03:47:59 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.7.0_65 (1.7.0_65-b19) 03:47:59 INFO emu - GUI - Java library path: lib/windows-amd64 03:47:59 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.7 3592:3622 03:47:59 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : APP_VER = 01.00 ATTRIBUTE = 23068673 BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = NPUZ00300 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.02 HRKGMP_VER = 0 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 3 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 6.30 REGION = 32768 TITLE = Knight Fortix 2 USE_USB = 0 probably homebrew? false 03:47:59 INFO emu - GUI - Content of UMD_DATA.BIN: 'NPUZ-00300|18B8DCECFFA6615B|0001|G |' 03:47:59 INFO emu - GUI - File 'EBOOT.OLD' not found in directory. 03:47:59 INFO compiler - GUI - Compiler MethodMaxInstructions: 3000 03:48:00 WARN loader - GUI - Encrypted file detected! (~PSP) 03:48:00 INFO loader - GUI - Calling crypto engine for PRX. 03:48:01 INFO loader - GUI - Found ModuleInfo at 0x089C3054, name:'Nemesys', version: 0101, attr: 0x00000000, gp: 0x00000000 03:48:01 INFO loader - GUI - Found 114 unresolved imports 03:48:01 INFO loader - GUI - 114 NIDS mapped 03:48:01 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - Audio threads disabled: false 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Only GE Graphics: false 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Save Stencil To Memory: false 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio ChReserve disabled: false 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceAudio - GUI - Audio Blocking disabled: false 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Media Engine enabled 03:48:01 INFO hle - GUI - Using the external audio decoder (SonicStage) 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Sazanami Gothic' Type='Gothic-Regular' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceFont - GUI - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceNetAdhoc - GUI - Using netClientPortShift=0 03:48:01 INFO hle.sceNetAdhoc - GUI - Using netServerPortShift=0 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Using the following settings: 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Language: [Japanese] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight saving time: [Off] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT): [0] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - (X) Use Opengl Render (Default) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Use Internal Software Rendering 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Use External Software Rendering 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use vertex cache 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use shaders 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Stencil Test" (more accurate but slower) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Color Mask" (more accurate but slower) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Save Stencil to Memory (more accurate but slower) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Audio 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio threads 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable audio blocking 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debugger memory (slower, enables memory breakpoints) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [3000] maximum method size 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Display 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Antialiasing: [OFF] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Resolution: [Native] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Start JPCSP in fullscreen exclusive mode 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Misc 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use Media Engine 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Enable Atrac3+ decoding (experimental, requires Media Engine) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract media files to TMP folder 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debug font (disable flash0 fonts) 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable SAVEDATA encryption 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract SAVEDATA key to TMP folder 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to TMP folder 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to TMP folder 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable DLC decryption 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Network 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) LAN MultiPlayer 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Server Port Shift 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Client Port Shift 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Enable ProOnline 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - ProOnline MetaServer [coldbird.net] 03:48:03 INFO emu - GUI - Broadcasting address [] 03:48:03 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31 03:48:03 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 03:48:03 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 4.4.0 03:48:03 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler 03:48:03 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS: 0x0 03:48:03 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK: 0x0 03:48:04 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08805618 by Native Code 'strlen' 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088055A0 by Native Code 'memset' 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088055D4 by Native Code 'strcpy' 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880563C by Native Code 'strncmp' 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08964590 by Native Code 'ULongIntegerDiv' 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08806C1C by Native Code 'memcpy' 03:48:04 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08969EB0 by Native Code 'strcmp' 03:48:04 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=0 03:48:05 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/fortix2_psp.blob flags = 1 permissions = 0777 03:48:05 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/language.lang flags = 1 permissions = 0644 03:48:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08969590 by Native Code 'memchr' 03:48:05 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08969E78 by Native Code 'strchr' 03:48:06 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0896A070 by Native Code 'strncpy' 03:48:06 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart paramsAddr=0x099ADADC 03:48:06 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart 0x099ADADC-0x099AE0DC: Address 0x099ADADC, mode=0(AUTOLOAD), gameName=NPUZ00300, saveName=DATA10, fileName=DATA.BIN, secureVersion=0 03:48:06 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule module=0x305 03:48:06 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0305) PSP_MODULE_AV_VAUDIO loaded 03:48:06 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule module=0x300 03:48:06 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC loaded 03:48:06 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule module=0x306 03:48:06 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0306) PSP_MODULE_AV_AAC loaded 03:48:06 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacInitResource numberIds=0x2 03:48:06 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0896A0D0 by Native Code 'strrchr' 03:48:06 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08969D64 by Native Code 'strcasecmp' 03:48:07 WARN hle.sceGe_user - user_main - hleGeListEnQueue can't enqueue duplicate list address 0x08A38DC0, stack 0x08A59F48 03:48:07 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus 03:48:07 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus status 2 03:48:07 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataUpdate drawSpeed=0x1 03:48:07 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - hleUtilitySavedataDisplay result: 0x00000000 03:48:07 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataUpdate returning 0x00000000 03:48:07 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 03:48:07 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/shaders/window.shader flags = 1 permissions = 0777 03:48:07 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/shaders/text.shader flags = 1 permissions = 0777 03:48:08 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089AA8C0 by Native Code 'sceGuTexImage' 03:48:08 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089ABAF4 by Native Code 'sceGuMaterial' 03:48:08 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089AB174 by Native Code 'sceGuSetMatrix' 03:48:08 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x089A9C98-0x089A9D64 by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArray' 03:48:08 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus 03:48:08 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus status 3 03:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 03:48:08 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataShutdownStart 03:48:08 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - SceUtilityShutdown - hleUtilityThread action=0 03:48:08 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus 03:48:08 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilitySavedataGetStatus status 0 03:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 03:48:15 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/shaders/flat.shader flags = 1 permissions = 0777 03:48:16 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_NORMAL_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=32 03:48:16 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_32BITF|GU_VERTEX_32BITF|GU_INDEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=20 03:48:19 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - musicUpdaterThreadMain - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/sound/music/Menu.aac flags = 1 permissions = 0777 03:48:19 INFO compiler - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089A77E0 by Native Code 'ULongIntegerMult' 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacInit parameters=0x09FBFA30, unknown1=0x11, unknown2=0x11, unknown3=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacInit parameters: startPos=0x11, endPos=0x1204F1, bufferAddr=0x08A16DC0, bufferSize=0x20000, outputAddr=0x08A36DC0, outputSize=0x2000, freq=44100, reserved=0x00000000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacGetInfoToAddStreamData id=0x0, writeAddr=0x09FBF900, writableBytesAddr=0x09FBF904, readOffsetAddr=0x09FBF908 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacGetInfoToAddStreamData returning writeAddr=0x08A17400, writableBytes=0x1F9C0, readOffset=0x11 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacNotifyAddStreamData id=0x0, bytesToAdd=0x1F9C0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17400, length=0x1F9C0 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17502, length=0x1F8BE to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1768E, length=0x1F732 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17760, length=0x1F660 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17834, length=0x1F58C to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17935, length=0x1F48B to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17A34, length=0x1F38C to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17B2D, length=0x1F293 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17C26, length=0x1F19A to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17D19, length=0x1F0A7 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17E0E, length=0x1EFB2 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17EFC, length=0x1EEC4 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A17FEB, length=0x1EDD5 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A180E3, length=0x1ECDD to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A181D8, length=0x1EBE8 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A182D2, length=0x1EAEE to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A183C3, length=0x1E9FD to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A184B6, length=0x1E90A to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A185B0, length=0x1E810 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A186A0, length=0x1E720 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1879B, length=0x1E625 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18893, length=0x1E52D to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1898B, length=0x1E435 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18A7A, length=0x1E346 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18B6E, length=0x1E252 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18C65, length=0x1E15B to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18D55, length=0x1E06B to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18E4B, length=0x1DF75 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A18F48, length=0x1DE78 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19041, length=0x1DD7F to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19135, length=0x1DC8B to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19222, length=0x1DB9E to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1931B, length=0x1DAA5 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19410, length=0x1D9B0 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19501, length=0x1D8BF to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A195F9, length=0x1D7C7 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A196F4, length=0x1D6CC to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A197EB, length=0x1D5D5 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A198F8, length=0x1D4C8 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:19 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A199F7, length=0x1D3C9 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19AF2, length=0x1D2CE to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19BDC, length=0x1D1E4 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19CD5, length=0x1D0EB to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19DD9, length=0x1CFE7 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19ECA, length=0x1CEF6 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A19FC7, length=0x1CDF9 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A0C2, length=0x1CCFE to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A1BE, length=0x1CC02 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A2B7, length=0x1CB09 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A3B2, length=0x1CA0E to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A4B0, length=0x1C910 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A5B1, length=0x1C80F to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A6AD, length=0x1C713 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A7AA, length=0x1C616 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A8A8, length=0x1C518 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1A99A, length=0x1C426 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1AA99, length=0x1C327 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1AB96, length=0x1C22A to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1AC8E, length=0x1C132 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1AD88, length=0x1C038 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1AE78, length=0x1BF48 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1AF7B, length=0x1BE45 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B073, length=0x1BD4D to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B1B6, length=0x1BC0A to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B2AC, length=0x1BB14 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B3A3, length=0x1BA1D to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B49C, length=0x1B924 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B59A, length=0x1B826 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B69A, length=0x1B726 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B799, length=0x1B627 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B89A, length=0x1B526 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1B992, length=0x1B42E to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1BA92, length=0x1B32E to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1BB8D, length=0x1B233 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:20 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1BC8D, length=0x1B133 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1BDBF, length=0x1B001 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1BECB, length=0x1AEF5 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1BFC8, length=0x1ADF8 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C0BD, length=0x1AD03 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C1BB, length=0x1AC05 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C2B7, length=0x1AB09 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C3B8, length=0x1AA08 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C4B2, length=0x1A90E to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C5AC, length=0x1A814 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C6AC, length=0x1A714 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C7AC, length=0x1A614 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C8A9, length=0x1A517 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1C9F0, length=0x1A3D0 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1CAEE, length=0x1A2D2 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1CBDE, length=0x1A1E2 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1CCE1, length=0x1A0DF to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1CDDC, length=0x19FE4 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1CED2, length=0x19EEE to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1CFD4, length=0x19DEC to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityOskInitStart paramsAddr=0x09C056E4 03:48:21 INFO hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityOskInitStart 0x09C056E4-0x09C05724: desc='Enter your name!', inText='', outText='?', inputMode=4, inputAttr=0x0, language=2, hide=0, inputAllowCharType=0xD, lines=0, showInputText=1, outTextLength=256, outTextLimit=10 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:21 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1D0D6, length=0x19CEA to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityOskGetStatus 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityOskGetStatus status 1 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - Not ready for visible, button pressed 0x4000 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1D1DB, length=0x19BE5 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1D2D8, length=0x19AE8 to 0x08A36DC0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A36DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacCheckStreamDataNeeded id=0x0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - Decoding from 0x08A1D3DA, length=0x199E6 to 0x08A37DC0 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceAac - musicUpdaterThreadMain - sceAacDecode bufferAddress=0x09FBFA80(0x08A37DC0) returning 0x1000 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityOskGetStatus 03:48:22 DEBUG hle.sceUtility - user_main - sceUtilityOskGetStatus status 1 03:48:22 ERROR memory - user_main - read32 - Invalid memory address: 0x00000010 PC=0x089A89CC 03:49:01 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------