21:24:55 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x81, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=144, frameHeight=80 21:24:55 INFO hle.sceMpeg - GUI - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=1, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:24:56 INFO emu - GUI - Java version: 1.8.0_112 (1.8.0_112-b15) 21:24:56 INFO emu - GUI - Java library path: lib/windows-amd64 21:24:56 INFO emu - GUI - Jpcsp v0.7 8295722 21:24:56 INFO emu - GUI - UMD param.sfo : BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = ULJM05232 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.01 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 1 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 2.82 REGION = 32768 TITLE = LUMINES II probably homebrew? false 21:24:56 INFO emu - GUI - Content of UMD_DATA.BIN: 'ULJM-05232|C8414BB7FA290795|0001|G |' 21:24:56 INFO emu - GUI - File 'EBOOT.OLD' not found in directory. 21:24:56 INFO compiler - GUI - Compiler MethodMaxInstructions: 3000 21:24:56 WARN loader - GUI - Encrypted file detected! (~PSP) 21:24:57 INFO loader - GUI - Called crypto engine for PRX (duration=236 ms) 21:24:57 INFO loader - GUI - Found ModuleInfo at 0x088FB440, name:'lumines2', version: 0101, attr: 0x00000000, gp: 0x089589E0 21:24:57 INFO loader - GUI - Found 226 unresolved imports 21:24:57 INFO loader - GUI - 226 NIDS mapped 21:24:57 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Only GE Graphics: false 21:24:57 INFO hle.sceDisplay - GUI - Save Stencil To Memory: false 21:24:57 INFO hle.sceNetAdhoc - GUI - Using netClientPortShift=0 21:24:57 INFO hle.sceNetAdhoc - GUI - Using netServerPortShift=0 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Using the following settings: 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Region 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Language: [Japanese] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Button preference: ["O" for "Enter"] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Daylight saving time: [Off] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Time format: [24H] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - WLAN power saving mode: [Off] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Ad hoc channel: [Auto] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Time zone offset in minutes (GMT): [0] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Nickname: [] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Video 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - (X) Use OpenGL Renderer (Default) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Use Internal Software Rendering 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Use External Software Rendering 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use vertex cache 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use shaders 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Stencil Test" (more accurate but slower) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Enable the shader implementation for the "Color Mask" (more accurate but slower) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Save Stencil to Memory (more accurate but slower) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Memory 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debugger memory (slower, enables memory breakpoints) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Compiler 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Use compiler (dynarec) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [X] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [3000] Maximum Method Size 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Display 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Antialiasing: [OFF] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Resolution: [Native] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Start JPCSP in fullscreen exclusive mode 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Misc 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Use debug font (disable flash0 fonts) 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Crypto 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable SAVEDATA encryption 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract SAVEDATA key to TMP folder 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract original PGD files to TMP folder 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to TMP folder 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - [ ] Disable DLC Decryption 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Configuration / Network 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) LAN MultiPlayer 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Server Port Shift 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Client Port Shift 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ( ) Enable ProOnline 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - ProOnline MetaServer [coldbird.net] 21:24:57 INFO emu - GUI - Broadcasting address [] 21:24:57 INFO ge - GUI - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31 21:24:57 INFO ge - GUI - Using VBO 21:24:57 INFO ge - GUI - OpenGL version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 375.70 21:24:57 INFO ge - GUI - Shading Language version: 4.50 NVIDIA 21:24:57 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS: 0x0 21:24:57 INFO ge - GUI - GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK: 0x0 21:24:57 INFO runtime - Emu - Using Compiler 21:24:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088F08C4 by Native Code 'strlen' 21:24:57 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088ED8C0 by Native Code 'memset' 21:24:58 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088ED4AC by Native Code 'memcpy' 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadAvModule module=0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadAvModule returning 0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0xFFFFFFFF, uid=0x1A 21:24:58 INFO hle.scePower - user_main - scePowerRegisterCallback returning 0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadAvModule module=0x1 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadAvModule returning 0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadAvModule module=0x3 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadAvModule returning 0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadNetModule(module=0x0001) PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON loaded 21:24:58 INFO hle.sceUtility - lumines_main - sceUtilityLoadNetModule(module=0x0002) PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC loaded 21:24:58 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - lumines_main - sceKernelLoadModule options: mpidText=0x2, mpidData=0x2, flags=0x0, position=0x0, access=0x1, creserved=0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/module/libfont.prx') HLE module libfont loaded 21:24:58 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - lumines_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule HLE module 'libfont' 21:24:58 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - lumines_main - sceKernelLoadModule options: mpidText=0x2, mpidData=0x2, flags=0x0, position=0x0, access=0x1, creserved=0x0 21:24:58 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - user_main - hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/module/psmf.prx') HLE module psmf loaded 21:24:58 INFO hle.ModuleMgrForUser - lumines_main - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule HLE module 'psmf' 21:24:58 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TRANSFORM_3D size=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VSCX: coordX=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VSCY: coordY=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VSCZ: coordZ=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VTCS: coordS=0.0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VTCT: coordT=0.0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VTCQ: coordQ=0.0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VCV: colorR=0, colorG=0, colorB=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VAP: color=0, prim_type=0, antialias=0, clip=0, shading=0, cull=0, v_order=0, map_texture=0, fog=0, dither=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VFC: fog=0 21:24:58 WARN ge - GUI - Unimplemented VSCV: colorR2=0, colorG2=0, colorB2=0 21:24:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/message/mes_jp.dat flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:24:59 INFO compiler - lumines_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088EFE3C by Native Code 'strcmp' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Source Han Sans K' Type='Normal' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/message/mes_puzzle_jp.dat flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'jpn0.pgf'. Font='Source Han Sans K' Type='Normal' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic' 21:24:59 INFO hle.sceFont - lumines_main - Loading font file 'kr0.pgf'. Font='UnDotum' Type='Regular' 21:24:59 INFO compiler - lumines_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0889255C by Native Code 'sceGuTexLevelMode' 21:24:59 INFO compiler - lumines_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088925B4 by Native Code 'sceGuTexMapMode' 21:24:59 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 21:25:00 INFO compiler - lumines_main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08891AE0-0x08891BAC by Native Code 'sceGuDrawArray' 21:25:00 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=16 21:25:00 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_TEXTURE_16BIT|GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=16 21:25:00 INFO ge - GUI - Compiling VertexInfoReader for GU_COLOR_8888|GU_VERTEX_16BIT|GU_TRANSFORM_2D size=12 21:25:00 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x58b0_size0xc1fe8 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:00 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x5fb0_size0x711d8 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:00 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x60a0_size0x10f320 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:00 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x5d00_size0x1408 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:01 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x5a40_size0x160000 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:05 INFO compiler - lumines_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088EFD3C by Native Code 'strchr' 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegInit 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegInit returning 0x0 21:25:05 INFO hle.scePsmf - lumines_main - scePsmfSetPsmf psmf=0x09048684, bufferAddr=0x090486D4 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=480, frameHeight=272 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:25:05 INFO hle.scePsmf - lumines_main - scePsmfSetPsmf returning 0x0 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=480, frameHeight=272 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=480, frameHeight=272 21:25:05 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:25:17 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegFinish 21:25:17 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegFinish returning 0x0 21:25:22 INFO compiler - lumines_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088E56B0 by Native Code 'ULongIntegerDiv' 21:25:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7540_size0x2798f0 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:25:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6f90_size0x4198 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:31 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6e30_size0x56a4 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7520_size0x8f48 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7a40_size0x7d800 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:32 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x62c0_size0x5700c0 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:33 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegInit 21:25:33 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegInit returning 0x0 21:25:33 INFO hle.scePsmf - lumines_main - scePsmfSetPsmf psmf=0x08FDC2C4, bufferAddr=0x08FDC314 21:25:33 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=240, frameHeight=272 21:25:33 INFO hle.scePsmf - lumines_main - scePsmfSetPsmf returning 0x0 21:25:33 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=240, frameHeight=272 21:25:33 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=240, frameHeight=272 21:25:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7b40_size0x6d48 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7b50_size0x6bd00 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7c30_size0x2984000 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:25:33 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x62c0_size0x5700c0 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:29:50 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegFinish 21:29:50 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegFinish returning 0x0 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:51 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegInit 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - sceMpegInit returning 0x0 21:29:53 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - lumines_main - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) thread:'lumines_main' overwriting previous notifyArg 0x32 -> 0x32, newCount=2 21:29:53 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x7c30_size0x2984000 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:29:53 INFO hle.scePsmf - lumines_main - scePsmfSetPsmf psmf=0x09017724, bufferAddr=0x09017774 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=240, frameHeight=272 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:29:53 INFO hle.scePsmf - lumines_main - scePsmfSetPsmf returning 0x0 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=240, frameHeight=272 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG video stream data: streamID=0xE0, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0xFB, EPMapOffset=0x0, EPMapNumEntries=0, frameWidth=240, frameHeight=272 21:29:53 INFO hle.sceMpeg - lumines_main - Found PSMF MPEG audio stream data: streamID=0xBD, privateStreamID=0x0, unk1=0x20, unk2=0x4, audioChannelConfig=2, audioSampleFrequency=2 21:29:53 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xcf40_size0xa680 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:29:53 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xcf60_size0x232430 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:29:53 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0xd3d0_size0x6c000 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:29:53 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - lumines_file - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x62c0_size0x5700c0 flags = 1 permissions = 0777 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:19 WARN hle.sceSasCore - lumines_sound - __sceSasSetVoice invalid size 0x00000000 21:33:26 INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - GUI - ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------