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should i try Phantasy star portable 2 infinity yet on the newest build? - Printable Version

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+----- Thread: should i try Phantasy star portable 2 infinity yet on the newest build? (/showthread.php?tid=103486)

should i try Phantasy star portable 2 infinity yet on the newest build? - tiamat888 - 12-01-2012

or should i wait for a newer version

RE: should i try Phantasy star portable 2 infinity yet on the newest build? - serio - 12-02-2012

i dunno, why not try running it to see for yourself?

RE: should i try Phantasy star portable 2 infinity yet on the newest build? - tiamat888 - 12-02-2012

well tried it and no improvements at all i think i should just give up