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Atrac3+ Output Channels - Printable Version

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Atrac3+ Output Channels - freefive - 02-07-2013

Stereo at3+ use 2 channel indeed, but for some games, even mono at3+ files need 2 atracOutPutChannels to be played correctlySmile

Tested with
Tales of the World - Radiant Mythology 2 ULJS00175
Tales of the World - Radiant Mythology 3 NPJH50353
Shining Hearts NPJH50342

First I tried the alternateDecodedFile method by getting the at3p files directly from the iso, then renamed the files with Atrac-SSSSSSSS-NNNNNNNN-DDDDDDDD scheme (namely using the renamer written by hyakki) and converted them to wav using Sound Forge, put them into the tmp\gameID\ folder all with at3.decoded extension.
This method works flawlessly. No Problem.

And then I picked some at3.decoded files that were mono, make them have the same name as the oma files made by jpcsp (ex. "Atrac-0000CC8C-00044AB2-D2406D1A.at3.decoded" to "Atrac-0000CC8C-09981B00.wav")

Then the sound went strange. The pith got too high when jpcsp played those wav files renamed from at3.decoded and I got
Quote:WAVE format: magic=0x20746D66('fmt '), chunkSize=52, compressionCode=0xFFFE, channels=1, outputChannels=1, sampleRate=44100, bitrate=8096, bytesPerFrame=376, hiBytesPerSample=0 address=160963350
(From Tales of the World - Radiant Mythology 3)
So I edited the modules150\sceAtrac3Plus.java
Quote:setAtracOutputChannels(codecType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? atracChannels : 2);
setAtracOutputChannels(codecType == PSP_MODE_AT_3_PLUS ? 2 : 2);

And the pitch became correct again. Everything worked just as good as the alternateDecodedFile method

So...In my opinion, outputChannel should be 2 even if the at3+ files are mono, at least for some gamesWink