08-15-2010, 04:41 PM
Alot messages about memory allocation errors, missing files on disc. Stuck at loading screen. 
Running with dynarec compiler (log level set to INFO)
Compability options used: None

3250 [GUI] INFO emu - Jpcsp v0.5 1734
3297 [GUI] INFO emu - UMD param.sfo :
REGION = 32768
TITLE = FlatOut Head On
probably homebrew? false
3328 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 373
3359 [GUI] INFO emu - Loading global compatibility settings
3359 [GUI] INFO ge - Only GE Graphics: false
3453 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio ChReserve disabled: false
3453 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio Blocking disabled: false
3453 [GUI] INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - Audio threads disabled: false
3453 [GUI] INFO memory - Ignore invalid memory access: false
3453 [GUI] DEBUG emu - No patch file found for this game
3562 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - RuntimeContext.reset
3875 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 373
3906 [GUI] DEBUG emu - Loader: Relocation required (PRX)
3906 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#0: loading program 08804000 - 08ADCBC8 - 08ADCBC8
3984 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#1: loading program 08ADCBC8 - 08ADDCC8 - 08BBD0AC
3984 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH alloc consumption 003B90AC (mem 000DF3E4)
3984 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .sbss: clearing section 08ADDCC8 - 08ADDDD4 (len 0000010C)
3984 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .bss: clearing section 08ADDE00 - 08BBD0AC (len 000DF2AC)
3984 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.text: relocating 60611 entries
4062 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.ent: relocating 1 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.stub: relocating 75 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceModuleInfo: relocating 5 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceResident: relocating 6 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata: relocating 5473 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.data: relocating 4985 entries
4109 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.eh_frame: relocating 2 entries
4109 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.cplinit: relocating 65 entries
4109 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.psp_lib_markimport_: relocating 6 entries
4109 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.linkonce.d: relocating 744 entries
4109 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.sdata: relocating 29 entries
4109 [GUI] INFO emu - Found ModuleInfo name:'FOHO' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08ae4bb8
4109 [GUI] DEBUG memory - Reserving 0x3B90AC bytes at 0x08804000 for module 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN'
4109 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x3B90AC, addr=0x08804000: returns 0x08804000
4109 [GUI] INFO emu - Found 208 imports from 25 modules
4109 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start found: nid=0xD632ACDB, function=0x0896C13C
4125 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop found: nid=0xCEE8593C, function=0x0896C4D4
4125 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_info found: nid=0xF01D73A7, addr=0x08AA3E90
4125 [GUI] WARN emu - module_sdk_version found: nid=0x11B97506, sdk_version=0x03050010
4125 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start_thread_parameter found: nid=0x0F7C276C, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
4125 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop_thread_parameter found: nid=0xCF0CC697, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
4125 [GUI] INFO emu - 208 NIDS mapped
4125 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=1, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x4000, addr=0x08800000: returns 0x08800000
4156 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_High, size=0x400, addr=0x00000000: returns 0x09FFFC00
4156 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread root
4156 [GUI] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/
4250 [GUI] INFO ge - OpenGL version: 2.1.2
4281 [GUI] INFO ge - Using VBO
Compability options used: None
112203 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/CARS/CAR_20/WIPERS.BGM' umd file not found
112672 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/CARS/SHARED/SKINAI1.TEX' umd file not found
112844 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/CARS/CAR_23/WIPERS.BGM' umd file not found
115719 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/TRACKS/FOREST/FOREST1/A/DATA/TRACKINTRO_CAMERA.INI' umd file not found
115734 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/TRACKS/FOREST/FOREST1/A/DATA/START_CAMERA.INI' umd file not found
115766 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/GLOBAL/OVERLAY/FLARES.TEX' umd file not found
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 32
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 33
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 34
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 35
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 36
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 37
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 38
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 39
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 40
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 41
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 42
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 43
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 44
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 45
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 46
119953 [user_main] WARN hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasSetKeyOff bad voice number 47
121406 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089DA30C by Native Code 'nop'
121406 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0889839C by Native Code 'nop'
121578 [SoundFileHandler] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/DATA/SONGS1/10.AT3 flags = 1 permissions = 0777
121734 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - hleAtracSetData atracID=106, bufferSize=0x1000, fileSize=2b3d20
121734 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetChannel: atracID = 106, channelAddr =0x9fdce60
121734 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetBitrate: atracID = 106, bitrateAddr =0x9fdce64
121734 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetSoundSample atracID = 106, endSampleAddr = 0x09FDCE68, loopStartSampleAddr = 0x09FDCE6C, loopEndSampleAddr = 0x09FDCE70
121859 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting atracID=106, sample=0, unk1Addr=0x09fdce30
121906 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracResetPlayPosition atracId=106, sample=0, bytesWrittenFirstBuf=0, bytesWrittenSecondBuf=0
121906 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - hleAtracSetData atracID=106, bufferSize=0x10000, fileSize=28d670
121906 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracSetLoopNum: atracID = 106, loopNbr = 0
121906 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDCDA0
121906 [FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDCDA0
122781 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A7ABD0 by Native Code 'nop'
126094 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088A9940 by Native Code 'nop'
132156 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_88B438C (9696/3000)
132594 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_88B77EC (5802/3000)
132766 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0887CC14 by Native Code 'nop'
132797 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
132797 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
132813 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
133125 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_88B4574 (9032/3000)
133563 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089FE548 by Native Code 'nop'
133672 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A2F998 by Native Code 'nop'
133688 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A249E4 by Native Code 'nop'
133766 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A24DC8 by Native Code 'nop'
133813 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A2F8AC by Native Code 'nop'
133844 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A24CAC by Native Code 'nop'
133844 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A24CF4 by Native Code 'nop'
133875 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A2F370 by Native Code 'nop'
133906 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A251A8 by Native Code 'nop'
133938 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A1419C by Native Code 'nop'
133938 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A13E60 by Native Code 'nop'
134094 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_89112FC (3496/3000)
134156 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0888EC00 by Native Code 'nop'
134172 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088A9494 by Native Code 'nop'
134172 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B0B40 by Native Code 'nop'
134281 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134281 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134281 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134297 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134297 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134313 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134313 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134359 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134359 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134609 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134609 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134625 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134625 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134641 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134641 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - sceSasCore.pspVoice.init: javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: line with format PCM_SIGNED 10.766602 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, 4 bytes/frame, little-endian not supported.
134656 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134656 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134672 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134672 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134766 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134766 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134859 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134859 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134859 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo: atID=0x0000006a, writeAddr=0x09fdf980, availableBytesAddr=0x09fdf984, readOffsetAddr=0x09fdf988
134859 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracAddStreamData: atracID=106, bytesToAdd=0x6800
134953 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
134953 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135047 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135047 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135141 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135141 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135234 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135234 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135328 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135328 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135422 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135422 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135516 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135516 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo: atID=0x0000006a, writeAddr=0x09fdf980, availableBytesAddr=0x09fdf984, readOffsetAddr=0x09fdf988
135516 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracAddStreamData: atracID=106, bytesToAdd=0x6800
135516 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135594 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135594 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135688 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135688 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135719 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list id=0x13 PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED
135734 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list id=0x13 PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED
135734 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list id=0x13 PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED
135750 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list id=0x13 PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED
135766 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list id=0x13 PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED
135766 [GUI] ERROR ge - Aborting current list processing due to too many errors
135797 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135797 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135875 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135875 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135969 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
135969 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
136063 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
136063 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetRemainFrame: atracID = 106, remainFramesAddr = 0x09FDF970
136063 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracGetStreamDataInfo: atID=0x0000006a, writeAddr=0x09fdf980, availableBytesAddr=0x09fdf984, readOffsetAddr=0x09fdf988
136063 [FMOD Streamer thread] WARN hle.sceAtrac3plus - PARTIAL: sceAtracAddStreamData: atracID=106, bytesToAdd=0x6800
Thread ID - 0x00000004
Th Name - idle0
zr:0x00000000 at:0x00000000 v0:0x00000000 v1:0x00000000
a0:0x00000000 a1:0x00000000 a2:0x00000000 a3:0x00000000
t0:0x00000000 t1:0x00000000 t2:0x00000000 t3:0x00000000
t4:0x00000000 t5:0x00000000 t6:0x00000000 t7:0x00000000
s0:0x00000000 s1:0x00000000 s2:0x00000000 s3:0x00000000
s4:0x00000000 s5:0x00000000 s6:0x00000000 s7:0x00000000
t8:0x00000000 t9:0x00000000 k0:0x08801F00 k1:0x00000000
gp:0x08AE4BB8 sp:0x08801E00 fp:0x00000000 ra:0x08000020
0x88000000: 0x24040000 - addiu $a0, $zr, 0 <=> li $a0, 0
Thread Name: 'SceIofileAsync' ID: 0x0044 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x40 Initial Priority: 0x40
Thread Entry: 0x08000040 Stack: 0x09FF3C00 - 0x09FF5C00 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 2920 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None (sleeping) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'SoundFileHandler' ID: 0x0047 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x20 Initial Priority: 0x20
Thread Entry: 0x08824224 Stack: 0x09FEFC00 - 0x09FF3C00 Stack Size: 0x00004000
Thread Run Clocks: 2705869 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: EventFlag (0x0046) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'idle0' ID: 0x0004 Module ID: 0x0000
Thread Status: 0x00000001 PSP_THREAD_RUNNING
Thread Attr: 0x00001000 Current Priority: 0x7F Initial Priority: 0x7F
Thread Entry: 0x88000000 Stack: 0x08800000 - 0x08802000 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 4730 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'idle1' ID: 0x0005 Module ID: 0x0000
Thread Status: 0x00000002 PSP_THREAD_READY
Thread Attr: 0x00001000 Current Priority: 0x7F Initial Priority: 0x7F
Thread Entry: 0x88000000 Stack: 0x08802000 - 0x08804000 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 5190 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'user_main' ID: 0x0008 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000008 PSP_THREAD_SUSPEND
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x40 Initial Priority: 0x20
Thread Entry: 0x0896C210 Stack: 0x09FF5C00 - 0x09FFFC00 Stack Size: 0x0000A000
Thread Run Clocks: 1709755464 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 143 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'FMOD Streamer thread' ID: 0x004D Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x18 Initial Priority: 0x18
Thread Entry: 0x08A3C29C Stack: 0x09FDD400 - 0x09FDFC00 Stack Size: 0x00002800
Thread Run Clocks: 1566532 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None (delay) Us: 10000 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'FMOD async FILE thread' ID: 0x005E Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x30 Initial Priority: 0x30
Thread Entry: 0x08A45B08 Stack: 0x09FD8400 - 0x09FD9400 Stack Size: 0x00001000
Thread Run Clocks: 4616 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x005D) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'FMOD FSOUND_NONBLOCKING thread' ID: 0x0059 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x20 Initial Priority: 0x20
Thread Entry: 0x08A364AC Stack: 0x09FD9400 - 0x09FDD400 Stack Size: 0x00004000
Thread Run Clocks: 19587109 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None (delay) Us: 50000 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'FMOD Software Mixer thread' ID: 0x004B Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000008 PSP_THREAD_SUSPEND
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x10 Initial Priority: 0x10
Thread Entry: 0x08A404C4 Stack: 0x09FDFC00 - 0x09FEFC00 Stack Size: 0x00010000
Thread Run Clocks: 111165186 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Allocated memory: 1DEDDAAC 502127276 bytes
Fragmented memory: 0008B400 570368 bytes
[ XX]