08-18-2012, 06:44 AM
i just download jpcsp and it said disgaea infinite is playable but i cant seem to be able to run it? the screen goes black and i only have 1 fps so i checked the logger but i have no idea what it means. heres what it said. help please?
933 [GUI] WARN emu - Kernel mode module detected
946 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x088044B8 [0xA1A78C58] Module 'ModuleMgrForKernel'(attempt 1)
947 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x088044C0 [0x1C90BECB] Module 'SystemCtrlForKernel'(attempt 1)
948 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x088044F8 [0xC0AB8932] Module 'SysclibForKernel'(attempt 1)
933 [GUI] WARN emu - Kernel mode module detected
946 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x088044B8 [0xA1A78C58] Module 'ModuleMgrForKernel'(attempt 1)
947 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x088044C0 [0x1C90BECB] Module 'SystemCtrlForKernel'(attempt 1)
948 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x088044F8 [0xC0AB8932] Module 'SysclibForKernel'(attempt 1)