Log level is INFO in the game's practice mode are some WARN ge info, they're yellow font:
226641 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
232594 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
245172 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
293594 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
296782 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
and second, the character model shake problem looks better than older jpcsp, but just still a little shaking...
the third, running speed looks like better too,My com:
E5200 OC to 3.00GHz
This Com can running to 20 FPS(Only in practice mode,also no Skipfps, if go to arcade mode, it's cannot play).
so, hope Jpcsp development going to great, THX
226641 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
232594 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
245172 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
293594 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
296782 [GUI] WARN ge - BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
and second, the character model shake problem looks better than older jpcsp, but just still a little shaking...
the third, running speed looks like better too,My com:
E5200 OC to 3.00GHz
This Com can running to 20 FPS(Only in practice mode,also no Skipfps, if go to arcade mode, it's cannot play).
so, hope Jpcsp development going to great, THX