08-11-2012, 02:46 AM
Windows port of the UAE Amiga Emulator
Quote: Beta 11:
- END special qualifier didn't work when combined with other qualifiers, some END + shortcuts leaked key presses to emulated Amiga side (b10)
- GUI wasn't centered and/or scrolling if single monitor, full screen mode and resolution smaller than 640x480. (b6) Automatically center to screen if GUI title bar isn't visible on any monitor. Two or more monitors and >800x600 resolution desktop in any monitor = always allow manual GUI positioning.
- Wait for Blitter changes:
* - Does nothing in 68000 cycle-exact mode.
* - Approximate CPU speed or 68020 CE: Pause CPU if blitter would steal all CPU cycles
* - Fastest possible: Any kind of active blit pauses CPU if writing to any blitter register.
* - Logged if triggered (only first 10 times)
- Quickstart modes (except 68000 CE) enables Wait for Blitter option.
- Wait for Blitter GUI only sets above "automatic" mode, manual config file editing supports forced "always" and "only if not idle" modes. (for debugging purposes)
- RTG video capturing uses now RTG vsync timing, not (possibly very different) custom chipset vsync timing.
- Added UAE Boot ROM AOS "heart beat" vblank interrupt, do not sync clock or check filesystem insertions if heart beat counter does not change = OS has been taken over, prevents possible memory corruption if program also overwrote system structures.
- RTC year tens digit was not in correct BCD format, probably no program cared about the difference. (Bug since the beginning)
- Extended adf writing was disabled, forgotten debugging and it was also disabled in 2.4.1. Oops. (241b11)
- POTGO register state was not fully reset when loading state, disabled mouse right/middle button in some situations. (for example Sound of Silents)
- AUDxDAT manual audio mode and new period was written to AUDxPER: new period value was loaded too late, after first 8-bit sample was finished.
- AUDxVOL is 7-bit register (64-127 = max volume, 128 = 0, 129 = 1 and so on..). Actual volume range is 0-64.
- Sinc interpolator updated from UADE (from few years ago, better late than never..)
- Debugger 'm' command didn't show last byte of memory region.
- Log COPJMPx while copper is waiting blitter cycle conflict. Does not yet emulate blitter pointer = COPxLC copy.