05-08-2012, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2012, 09:36 PM by hyakki.)
I was able to get some reproducible errors on the wutai level in r2551
sometimes the emulator will go into pause state with invalid memory address
read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=0889C658
I'm also seeing some graphic corruption where the character sprites will disappear randomly (see screenshot) or there is a weird temporary horizontal static effect (happens fast so couldn't get a screen)
88406 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
88475 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
88532 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
88569 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
88631 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
88670 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
88731 GUI WARN ge BoundingBox Query result not available in due time
05-11-2012, 09:56 AM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2012, 10:00 AM by rionix88.)
Firstly, thank you for the great emulator.
on saving game i got this warning
542517 [user_main] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelUnRegisterCallback(type=3) cbid=2d no matching callbacks found
542520 [user_main] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelDeleteCallback not a callback uid 0x2d
In battle i got error like this
1479329 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x10, status=PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED, pc=0x08A96F8C, stall=0x08A99608, cbid=0x21, ended=false, finished=false, paused=true, restarted=false, reset=false]
1479341 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x10, status=PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED, pc=0x08A96F8C, stall=0x08A99608, cbid=0x21, ended=false, finished=false, paused=true, restarted=false, reset=false]
1479353 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x10, status=PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED, pc=0x08A96F8C, stall=0x08A99608, cbid=0x21, ended=false, finished=false, paused=true, restarted=false, reset=false]
1479364 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x10, status=PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED, pc=0x08A96F8C, stall=0x08A99608, cbid=0x21, ended=false, finished=false, paused=true, restarted=false, reset=false]
1479375 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on an END command, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x10, status=PSP_GE_LIST_END_REACHED, pc=0x08A96F8C, stall=0x08A99608, cbid=0x21, ended=false, finished=false, paused=true, restarted=false, reset=false]
1479375 [GUI] ERROR ge - Aborting current list processing due to too many errors
Thanks Hyakki huge help i went to 50 Max Method size Disabled UBO menu still did not work i enabled shader implementation for stencil test and menu works flawlessy now.
Biggish problem when i go in to midgar and a few other places and talk to people there is no dialogue. I just dont want to miss dialogue which makes the game more interesting and could peice the story together sorry for being a burden.
I am using 32 bit jpcsp. The menu flashes and eventually appears but the pointer wont move and i cant click or do anything besides go back.
[x] Only GE graphhics (not recommended for homebrew)
[x] Use vertex cache
[x] Use shaders (experimental) <---- AMD | ATI | INTEL GPU's Disable if you have graphic problems.
[x] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders) <---- AMD | ATI | INTEL GPU's Disable if you have graphic problems.
[x] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders rec for AMD/ATI)
[X] Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory
[X] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders)
[X] Enable shader implementation for stencil test
[x] Use Media Engine
[x] Use compiler (dynarec)
[500] Maximum method size
I am running:
Phenom 2 6x 3ghz
8Gb ddr3 1600
9500 gt 512mb
All latest drivers
05-28-2012, 11:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2012, 12:49 AM by LeonhartGR.)
Tested on jpcsp-2554-windows-amd64 and JPCSP Launcher [v1.7.0.5]. Still freezes at the same point in the intro when Zack talks to Angeal after he got off the train. I used the options on the first page. I wonder if this issue will ever get solved... seems like a hard one... Thank you!
Tested by trying to activate/deactivate several options on jpcsp-2559-windows-amd64 and JPCSP Launcher [v1.7.0.5]. Issue persist to exist even after reducing antialiasing to x4. Thanks!
Tested on jpcsp-2565-windows-amd64 and JPCSP Launcher [v1.7.0.5] with the settings in the front page. Something really bad happened! After loading the first 2 logo screens it freezes before even starting the game and even with no antialiasing. Then I had to kill the process. Thanks!
Tested on jpcsp-2565-windows-x86 and JPCSP Launcher [v1.7.0.5] with the settings in the front page and x4 antialiasing, compiler 100. Passed the crashing point where Zack talks on the phone with Angeal but crashed on the first encounter at the first sword slash.
Re-tested on 32bit version (jpcsp-2565-windows-x86). Issue solved by reducing compiler to 50. Played all the way through to the first save with all sound and video correct!!! Antialias x16. Graphics are great at 1920x1080 resolution!!! I include the correct log file as attachment. Thanks!
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64-based PC
Intel® Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz, 3101 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8,00 GB
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti (306.23 win7 64bit drivers)
1.023,69 MB Adapter RAM
jdk-7 windows-x64-02_may_2012 Java
06-05-2012, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2012, 11:17 AM by AlgeruS.)
Hello, I have a bunch of questions
I apologize in advance for asking questions that most likely have already been asked but I hope you can bear with me as I have completely no idea of what I am doing with this emulator
Anyway, I tried to play CrisisCore on the latest downloadable version of JPCSP
I have quite a few problems though:
1. I can't see any videos, I just get this: http://horobox.co.uk/u/AlgeruS_1338942641.jpg
2. Absolutely no voices (when Zack is talking on the phone for example)
3. Game is choppy and laggy as hell
4. Also looks bad
Can somebody help me out making it look both better and actually run well? That would be much appreciated
I tried applying some of the settings from the OP but it doesn't seem to help