08-08-2012, 11:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2012, 11:50 AM by montcer9012.)
Some users has been reporting that even they have installed Java 6 or 7 on architect x86/x64 the start JPCSP batch file says that Java is not found or the version is old.
It seems that some Windows version does not recognized the "REG" command making those lines becomes useless:
This will become a problem to use JPCSP for non middle Windows users. The fastest (But not flawless) solution i found will be set directly where to run:
Instead registry search i suggest verify java.exe location whit something like:
That's just an idea; for now i go out so the search have to continued.
For now the best solution to this problem is use hyakki JPCSP Launcher.
It seems that some Windows version does not recognized the "REG" command making those lines becomes useless:
for /f "tokens=3* skip=2" %%a in ('reg query "%key%" /v CurrentVersion') do set JAVA_VERSION=%%a
for /f "tokens=2* skip=2" %%a in ('reg query "%key%\%JAVA_VERSION%" /v JavaHome') do set JAVA_HOME=%%b
This will become a problem to use JPCSP for non middle Windows users. The fastest (But not flawless) solution i found will be set directly where to run:
@echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;lib\;lib\windows-amd64\
echo Running Jpcsp 64bit...
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java" -Xmx1024m -Xss2m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m -Djava.library.path=lib/windows-amd64 -jar bin/jpcsp.jar %*
Instead registry search i suggest verify java.exe location whit something like:
FOR %Z IN (java.exe) DO SET JAVA_HOME=%~dpZ
For now the best solution to this problem is use hyakki JPCSP Launcher.
![[Image: montcer.png]](http://mypsn.eu.playstation.com/psn/profile/montcer.png)