I have sound(somewhat) i have no cutscene sound. but fighting sound i can hear. footsteps are there. but no music. Im on SVN build 2251 and i DO have sonicstage installed... but i dont think its using it. i have the same sounds wether or not i have Use sonicstage to decode checked.
Did i do something wrong?
I do have playable fps(25-30fps unless theres a bunch of guys on the screen then its 20)
ok i just reinstalled Sonicstage and now i have sound BUT its slow to start(20 seconds into the intro it STARTS playing the beginning of the intro sound) and its also skipping(pauses in the sound
Did i do something wrong?
I do have playable fps(25-30fps unless theres a bunch of guys on the screen then its 20)
ok i just reinstalled Sonicstage and now i have sound BUT its slow to start(20 seconds into the intro it STARTS playing the beginning of the intro sound) and its also skipping(pauses in the sound