I'm not sure if trying to boot PSP with --reboot is too resource heavy for my computer:
JPCSP revision: 503d3e6f
External Software Renderer revision: f5f617a (SSE3)
Model (in Settings): PSP-3000 (Brite, 7th Generation)
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 810
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4200
I open Firmware 6.61 EBOOT.PBP on JPCSP to extract the files. After the files have been successfully extracted and JPCSP asks for a reboot, I close the emulator and add --reboot to the .bat file:
"%JAVA_CMD%" -Xmx3072m -Xss100m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=192m -Djava.library.path=lib/windows-amd64 -jar bin/jpcsp.jar %* --reboot
Every time I run --reboot, it always hangs at various points. The closest I got to loading anything was when I was able to enter the Memory Stick. When JPCSP tried to load the thumbnail for Firmware 6.61 EBOOT.PBP, it shows this:
09:10:45 ERROR compiler - root - Catched exception 'java.lang.NullPointerException' while compiling 0x088A9494 (0x088A9494-0x088A9714)
Also, it seems that certain PSP Models don't load with the --reboot command:
PSP Model | --reboot Status
PSP-1000 (Fat) | Not working
PSP-2000 (Slim) | Not working
PSP-3000 (Brite, 3rd Generation) | Not working
PSP-3000 (Brite, 4th Generation) | Not working
PSP-N1000 (GO) | Not working
PSP-3000 (Brite, 7th Generation) | Able to load, hangs at various points
PSP-3000 (Brite, 9th Generation) | Not working
PSP-E1000 (Street) | Not working