I've been on this thread: Atrac3Plus, trying to figure out how to get Hakuoki- Demon of the Fleeting Blossom- to work. Everything works fine but the music and voice acting.
1. Do I have to get sound files and place them somewhere? Then run the programs that are said in forum.
When I looked for the "Atrac dir (e.g \tmp\ULJM05940\Atrac)", that folder was not in the tmp at all. I had to make my own, which I'm sure was not the right thing to do, anyway. I don't know where these files are supposed to go, or if I need any more pluggins. I have the tools, but don't know what to do with it. I already installed everything I was told to. I just can't put it together.
If you can help me fix the voice acting some other way, I would greatly appreciate it.
1. Do I have to get sound files and place them somewhere? Then run the programs that are said in forum.
When I looked for the "Atrac dir (e.g \tmp\ULJM05940\Atrac)", that folder was not in the tmp at all. I had to make my own, which I'm sure was not the right thing to do, anyway. I don't know where these files are supposed to go, or if I need any more pluggins. I have the tools, but don't know what to do with it. I already installed everything I was told to. I just can't put it together.
If you can help me fix the voice acting some other way, I would greatly appreciate it.