10-23-2012, 06:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2012, 08:52 PM by pizzathehut.)
(10-19-2012, 08:41 AM)Damphil Wrote: hyakkiQuote:not much you can do on the breaking glass scenes, you could quickly go into options and uncheck stencil test and it will get about a 30% speedup, but you have to re-enable it before the battle.Yup its help ^_^. but not good for normal play. Click - click - click option..not exit.
And, how you patched, for new revision ?
Like this:
1. Download and install TortoiseSVN; maybe you will need to reboot the OS; do it if ask.
2. Create a folder on a easy access patch, call it like you want.
3. Right click on the new create folder and select Tortoise->Download SVN: A box will open, paste the SVN from JPCSP and hit DOWNLOAD.
4. Download and install Eclipse.
5. Once the SVN finish to be downloaded, import it on Eclipse: File->Import: Existing Projects into Workspace. Locate the folder where it is.
6. Do the changes gid15 told you.
7. To test it go to "jpcsp.MainGUI", right-click "Run As.." -> "Java Application". To run it, you must add the VM arguments according the version of JPCSP you will like to test. (x86, x64)
8. Told us the results.
I am running a 32bit build as you suspected, hyakki, and I'm willing to try to patch it on my own, but I'm having some difficulty. When I try using Tortoise to import from http://jpcsp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk it says: Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKACTIVITY request for '/svn/!svn/act/c71f6613-dfca-ef45-9528-3d17266bf102'. I have no idea what that means or how to fix it. Once again, any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Looking online it seems that I needed to change the default URL from http to https (like anyone could have figured that out on their own) but now it asks me for a username and password. Am I even on the right track? If I am, do I download from https://jpcsp.googlecode.com/svn/trunk or a different directory? And, regardless of where I download from, will that download work for r2788?