(08-07-2013, 07:47 AM)DragonNeos Wrote: @virgil94: Hontōni? 2 hours? It does take a while since you are downloading from Japan's servers. Yep, JPCSP can not load the demo because of a module that is not implemented and not easy to code for possibly due to a lack of documentation. Off-topic question: Did you learn Japanese from textbooks such as Genki and are you able to understand all of the Japanese writing styles?
aa, well it took less.Off-topic:I know the katakana and the hiragana and now I'm strugling with the kanji,then I plan on studying all the words and how to make proper sentences.I can understand somehow what characters are saying.Also I have an app called obenkyo which helps me find the letters and take some tests with the app.Mostly I learned a little bit japanese by watching anime(yeah I'm an otaku

Edit:Ok cleared the demo,it was awesome