12-08-2013, 01:28 PM
I have another laptop computer which is older and less powerful (slower, less RAM...), and has Windows 7 (64-bit). It has integrated graphics, too. The game runs on that computer, but with a lot of issues; however, it runs. When I press "Run" after loading the game using the computer with Windows 8, the window title is "Final Fantasy FPS: [between 10 and 30], averageFPS: [between 10 and 30, also]". The window gets black and nothing happens at all. I have waited for about one hour and nothing happens. With Tactics Ogre, after a while the game starts, but with a lot of graphic interference.
Is Windows 8 the cause?. Can some settings be changed, so that the game (or games) will run?. Any ideas?.
Thank you for your help.
Is Windows 8 the cause?. Can some settings be changed, so that the game (or games) will run?. Any ideas?.
Thank you for your help.