12-14-2013, 12:06 AM
(12-08-2013, 01:28 PM)hhisc29926 Wrote: I have another laptop computer which is older and less powerful (slower, less RAM...), and has Windows 7 (64-bit). It has integrated graphics, too. The game runs on that computer, but with a lot of issues; however, it runs. When I press "Run" after loading the game using the computer with Windows 8, the window title is "Final Fantasy FPS: [between 10 and 30], averageFPS: [between 10 and 30, also]". The window gets black and nothing happens at all. I have waited for about one hour and nothing happens. With Tactics Ogre, after a while the game starts, but with a lot of graphic interference.
Is Windows 8 the cause?. Can some settings be changed, so that the game (or games) will run?. Any ideas?.
Thank you for your help.
I believe this is related to this issue: http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread....#pid198801
Apparently those specific games are showing some regressions in terms of graphics.
Unfortunately, with an integrated graphical card the emulator will always have issues displaying graphics, but we're currently introducing an external software renderer which will hopefully help with this issue.