08-25-2016, 01:15 PM
(08-22-2016, 06:05 PM)Annie Wrote: I believe you can also load libsail and libsail_avi. Those might require a few more as well, but start with just those two.
As for the save data, getting a savefile of the game from a real PS3 should probably get you past that.
Again thank you so much for your help. With those modules, I managed to get to the title screen. Problem is, the emulator says it can't open data.rom, the file that contains 99% of the game's assets. That's probably why when I try to play a movie from the "Gallery", it just does a quick fade and goes back to the same menu. It also can not successfully start a new game. fades and crashes. I assume this is because the emulator can't open the data.rom file. Which module(s) would be able to help with that? Log attached in 7zip file because neither pastebin nor this thread would accept my log in .txt form or .log form, partly because it was 600 kilobytes starting fresh