(01-16-2017, 01:40 PM)Annie Wrote: Rename BLUS30727-[Disgaea 4] to BLUS30727
Load libresc, libsre, libspurs_jq and librtc and try again
reporting back after testing it quite a bit of times (sometimes with slightly different builds)
Audio seems to be missing, sometimes I would get some sounds but things like music and the voice acting seem to be missing (though i need to first confirm this as i havent gotten far into the game for the 2nd report)
The game has been crashing for some reason, especially so when using the options and after the first piece of dialogue, but also during the opening scenes, the cutscene and the dialogue after the cutscene are included (tried a build with libfiber which from my tests stopped the crash on the options but i will have to check more on that)
Finally the frame rate is abyssmal but i think that's just my laptop since it does that with pretty much all other emulators i have... for some reason... (note: i have some really big games on this laptop which dont have the same framerate issue so it always confuses me when i play something like pokemon in advanceboy and it lags) (also if you can rec a way to increase the frame rate to at the very least 30 fps then pls tell me)
here's the log again
edit: okay, so the opening never starts and there is no audio... the opening cutscenes work though, even though there is no sound and im furthur into the game then before.
Edit2: also for some reason the game wont continue if im on the window and will only play if im tabbed out of it..