02-14-2017, 09:15 PM
Upon further investigation, I found that revision 2837a87 was the last revision to not have any loading problems. The first revision that started showing loading issues with this game is revision e38c3e9. When I saw this line in the log, "at jpcsp.HLE.modules.SysclibForKernel.strtol(SysclibForKernel.java:216)" it led me to the conclusion that the first revision that added strtol may be the cause of the issue. As mentioned in an earlier post, the fix from 31907c6 didn't work as the game still has loading problems if the second cutscene is allowed to be played. A few revisions later, the error shown instead became "ERROR emu - Main - 0x08826EC0 - Allegrex break 0x00000".