(09-22-2011, 02:40 AM)songtothunder Wrote: hi,Kind of matters if you run 32 or 64 bit version. If you run 64 you can attempt to increase the memory size to 2048. Also, of course running with optimized settings found in the Crisis Core thread.
im currently using jpcsp 2289
my spec, i3 2310m @2.1ghz, gt 540m, ram 4gb, win 7 64bit
what the best setting of v1.6.0.1 i can use?
cause when i play crisis core, it's only run about 7-9 fps...
thanks for your answer
Been messing around with the Launcher myself recently but whenever I attempt to make it use SSE (setting the number to 3 or 4 instead of 99 as default) I get an error when I attempt to run the game. The problem seems to be related to graphics as it lists issues caused by GE texture and shaders. Can't seem to get the logger to work properly.