So i updated the emu with the latest version, "boot game" - and nothing is happening. Apparently there is a new checkbox in the settings menu "load required libraries", which is checked by default, and if it is checked the emu is telling me it cant find "libln10n.sprx" in the external dev_flash. I have a .prx one, but apparently that is not good enough ? If i uncheck the box the game loads as usual. I just dont get it. Either the devs overlooked that it is checked by default making the emu unusable "out of the box", or is my setup somehow wrong that i dont have that particular sprx but a prx instead ?
edit: okay, so installing the firmware fixed that. i actually NEED prx files for anything anymore ?
Also, is it my weak system, or does new version have problems with sound skipping ?
edit: okay, so installing the firmware fixed that. i actually NEED prx files for anything anymore ?
Also, is it my weak system, or does new version have problems with sound skipping ?