(11-21-2011, 03:29 PM)icecoffemix Wrote: disable vsync, and I tried with AA with my friends laptop with Nvidia GPU, it does have difference.Pretty sure vsync should be off. It uses the 3D application setting, trying it with off now and AA. Also, a reboot oddly solved the GPU load problem and now it loads like it should again (still not ideal, though).
Heh, very odd but I am actually running with vertex cache now and performance is pretty much the same as it was prior to not having it on, although my experience was that it made FPS worse. Will try out some more combos for that. Wooo, GPU load went to 99% during ex burst but FPS was still shit though O.O
To clarify, the AA doesn't solve the sparkling but it makes my GPU load to 99%, and ex burst FPS went to shit. Not sure if it's worth it as it didn't solve my graphics problem. Will try with antisoptric though seeing it is lightning I got issues with.
No difference with antisoptric on, but FPS went up a bit.