06-27-2010, 07:14 AM
Windows port of the UAE Amiga Emulator
Changes :
- directory filesystem action_read/action_write with length=0 special handling added (host OS routines may have returned weird errors in some situations)
- monitor "bezel" overlay image support added, direct3d and configuration file only. gfx_filter_overlay=<path>:x,y,width,height (only path is mandatory) x and y: position of overlay relative to top/left corner. -1 = center, value% = relative to window size. width and height: width of overlay image. -1 = scale to window size, 0 = use original size, > 0 = scale to this size. value% = scale to window size + %adjustment
Changes :
- directory filesystem action_read/action_write with length=0 special handling added (host OS routines may have returned weird errors in some situations)
- monitor "bezel" overlay image support added, direct3d and configuration file only. gfx_filter_overlay=<path>:x,y,width,height (only path is mandatory) x and y: position of overlay relative to top/left corner. -1 = center, value% = relative to window size. width and height: width of overlay image. -1 = scale to window size, 0 = use original size, > 0 = scale to this size. value% = scale to window size + %adjustment