(12-25-2017, 12:15 PM)DragonNeos Wrote: OpenGL Graphics Issue: (only affects ATI/AMD graphics cards)The frame captures are showing that the issue is really related to NaN values in the bone matrix:
Starting with revision 3163 (0dbfc3e), the game produces improper hair textures that extend past a character's head and other graphical glitches (even-numbered screenshots). On the previous build with revision 3162 (1b99afe), none of the aforementioned issues appear although the rendering of the models is not correct with glaring areas of missing graphics (odd-numbered screenshots). I have performed a frame capture of both builds (5th Screenshot - r3162, 6th Screenshot - r3163) with the Compiler set to 3000 and have enabled "Disable optimized VertexInfo reading (may improve compatibility)".
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix offset 0
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - base 09000000
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - call old PC: 0x098B11EC, new PC: 0x098B04AC
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 0 0.81 0.05 0.23 0.43
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 0 -0.02 0.84 -0.10 0.75
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 0 -0.24 0.09 0.80 0.49
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - ret old PC: 0x098B04E0, new PC: 0x098B11EC
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix offset 12
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - base 0x090000 redundant pure state cmd ignored
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - call old PC: 0x098B11F8, new PC: 0x098B0A90
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - ret old PC: 0x098B0AC4, new PC: 0x098B11F8
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix offset 24
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - base 0x090000 redundant pure state cmd ignored
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - call old PC: 0x098B1204, new PC: 0x098B0AC4
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - ret old PC: 0x098B0AF8, new PC: 0x098B1204
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix offset 36
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - base 0x090000 redundant pure state cmd ignored
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - call old PC: 0x098B1210, new PC: 0x098B0D68
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 3 0.71 -0.00 -0.45 -0.16
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 3 -0.00 0.84 -0.01 0.84
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - bone matrix 3 0.45 0.01 0.71 0.68
02:25:41 DEBUG ge - GUI - ret old PC: 0x098B0D9C, new PC: 0x098B1210
As the update from 3163 (0dbfc3e) is only for UBO's, have you tried to select the option "Disable UBO" on 3163? You should then see the same graphics as were rendered by 3162.
(01-30-2018, 06:15 AM)DragonNeos Wrote: gid15, have you been able to look at the other issues that I have listed in Post #210 and Post #213?Sorry, I forgot to analyze the frame captures... thank you for the reminder
Always include a complete log file at INFO level in your reports. Thanks! How to post a log