02-12-2021, 07:17 PM
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09F8FAA8
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - Decoding from 0x0910C0D0, length=0x70 to 0x0895E880, inputBuffer pspFileBuffer(addr=0x09107B00, maxSize=0x8C80, currentSize=0x70, readPosition=0x45D0, writePosition=0x4640, filePosition=0x4640, fileMaxSize=0x7230)
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode bufferAddress=0x09F8FAA8(0x0895E880) returning 0x1200
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode returning 0x1200
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode id=0x0, bufferAddress=0x09F8FAA4
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - Decoding from 0x0910C140, length=0x0 to 0x0895FA80, inputBuffer pspFileBuffer(addr=0x09107B00, maxSize=0x8C80, currentSize=0x0, readPosition=0x4640, writePosition=0x4640, filePosition=0x4640, fileMaxSize=0x7230)
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode bufferAddress=0x09F8FAA4(0x0895FA80) returning 0x80671402
22:41:48 DEBUG hle.sceMp3 - Sound Thread VOI - sceMp3Decode returning 0x80671402
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