05-02-2022, 11:30 PM
This game was tested with commit c7773e82 but the game still requires the option "Disable DLC Decryption" in order to load properly.
The game still has issues with the subtitles occasionally displaying an equal sign to the right side when there's more than one line on screen. The lighting is too excessive in many areas as shown in the first attached record.bin.
When the game is on 2x Resolution or more, there are lines that appear on the screen which seems to be a scaling issue. If the option "Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory" isn't used, the lines don't appear.
On OpenGL, when creating or loading SAVEDATA, the screen should make a slight blur, not flicker a few times as shown in the first attached recording. If the option "Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory" isn't used, the SAVEDATA screen is more accurately displayed as shown in the second record.bin attachment.
16:09:29 WARN emu - MovieAudio - CTC1 unsupported rounding mode 'Round toward zero' (rm=1)
16:09:29 INFO compiler - Main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08936EE0-0x08936FB4 by Native Code 'memset'
16:09:29 INFO compiler - Main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08936EE0-0x08936FB4 by Native Code 'memset'
16:09:29 WARN emu - Back - CTC1 unsupported rounding mode 'Round toward zero' (rm=1)
16:09:29 WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - Main - checkAlarmID unknown uid=0x86
16:09:29 INFO compiler - Main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0893242C by Native Code 'sceGuTexLevelMode'
16:09:29 INFO stdout - Main - !!! Error !!! : src/app/patchpkg_notifier.c 50 : start_notification : patchpkg error notify: アップデートデータが正常にインストール
16:09:29 INFO stdout - Main - されていません。PlayStation®Networkで
16:09:29 INFO stdout - Main - 再ダウンロードしてください
16:09:29 INFO compiler - Main - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08827F84-0x08827F9C by Native Code 'Color.float2int'
16:09:30 INFO compiler - Back - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08813334-0x08813348 by Native Code 'strlen'
16:09:30 INFO compiler - Back - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08936B00-0x08936C20 by Native Code 'memcpy'
16:09:30 INFO hle.scePspNpDrm_user - Back - NPDRM Encryption key detected: 0xC4C46721277B836AB79AE0562B19C151
16:09:30 WARN hle.scePspNpDrm_user - Back - sceNpDrmRenameCheck: the file has been renamed
16:09:30 INFO stdout - Back - !!! Error !!! : src/app_mod/npdrm.c 116 : openEdat : ms0:/PSP/GAME/NPJH50832/SYSTEM_UPDATE.EDAT:80550917
The game still has issues with the subtitles occasionally displaying an equal sign to the right side when there's more than one line on screen. The lighting is too excessive in many areas as shown in the first attached record.bin.
When the game is on 2x Resolution or more, there are lines that appear on the screen which seems to be a scaling issue. If the option "Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory" isn't used, the lines don't appear.
On OpenGL, when creating or loading SAVEDATA, the screen should make a slight blur, not flicker a few times as shown in the first attached recording. If the option "Enable saving GE screen to textures instead of memory" isn't used, the SAVEDATA screen is more accurately displayed as shown in the second record.bin attachment.