07-20-2010, 03:44 PM
16887 Main_b DEBUG memory Reserving 51940 bytes at 08d64500 for module 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/modules/zlibdec.prx'
16887 Main_b WARN hle malloc cannot allocate partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0xCB00, addr=0x08D64500
16887 Main_b DEBUG hle malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0xCB00, addr=0x08D64500: returns 0x00000000
16888 Main_b WARN memory Failed to properly reserve memory consumed by module ZLIB at address 0x8d64500 size 51940 new address 0x0
Thanks for reporting which revision did broke the game!