(01-29-2011, 01:16 PM)Darth1701 Wrote: At first I wanted to ignore this thread completly but when I saw a rather heavy discussion and some odd solutions I thought I have to clarify some things:
First of all, it seems you are using an old version of JPCSP, use the ones on the buildbot! http://buildbot.orphis.net/jpcsp/
The problem is not because CSO is not supported by JPCSP but because your game is encrypted (or better the boot executable is encrypted). As of r1965 JPCSP can decrypt most of the games on-the-fly so your game should work. If it does not work you have to decrypt the eboot.bin on your PSP, search for "prxdecrypter" on how to do that.
Using the search function in the forum could also help
umm hey, can you help me i don't understand why i cant play Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 1 on the emulator and sorry i'm a noob at computers can you please help me =). i'm sorry if i'm causing troubles but i have the same problem and i'm using mac soo i dont know what to do =)). i dont understand the part with eboot.bin and prxdecrypter can you clarify it in a stupider way for me =))