08-15-2010, 11:16 AM
Running with dynarec compiler (log level set to INFO)
Compability options used: None
3375 [GUI] INFO emu - Jpcsp v0.5 1734
3406 [GUI] INFO emu - UMD param.sfo :
REGION = 32768
TITLE = GTA: Liberty City Stories
probably homebrew? false
3422 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 200
3437 [GUI] INFO emu - Loading global compatibility settings
3437 [GUI] INFO ge - Only GE Graphics: false
3500 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio ChReserve disabled: false
3500 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio Blocking disabled: false
3500 [GUI] INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - Audio threads disabled: false
3500 [GUI] INFO memory - Ignore invalid memory access: false
3500 [GUI] DEBUG emu - No patch file found for this game
3547 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - RuntimeContext.reset
3828 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 200
3875 [GUI] DEBUG emu - Loader: Relocation required (PRX)
3875 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#0: loading program 08804000 - 08B5D1F0 - 08B5D1F0
3953 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#1: loading program 08B5D1F0 - 08B5E004 - 08E65350
3953 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH alloc consumption 00661350 (mem 0030734C)
3953 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .sbss: clearing section 08B5E008 - 08B5E914 (len 0000090C)
3953 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .bss: clearing section 08B5E940 - 08E65350 (len 00306A10)
3968 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.text: relocating 108972 entries
4062 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.ent: relocating 1 entries
4078 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.stub: relocating 75 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceModuleInfo: relocating 5 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceResident: relocating 5 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata: relocating 12450 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.data: relocating 5824 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.cplinit: relocating 217 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.psp_lib_markimport_: relocating 5 entries
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.linkonce.d: relocating 189 entries
4093 [GUI] INFO emu - Found ModuleInfo name:'GTA3' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08b65ff8
4093 [GUI] DEBUG memory - Reserving 0x661350 bytes at 0x08804000 for module 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN'
4109 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x661350, addr=0x08804000: returns 0x08804000
4109 [GUI] INFO emu - Found 235 imports from 25 modules
4109 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start found: nid=0xD632ACDB, function=0x08AE9F64
4109 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop found: nid=0xCEE8593C, function=0x08AEA290
4109 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_info found: nid=0xF01D73A7, addr=0x08B0C020
4109 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start_thread_parameter found: nid=0x0F7C276C, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
4109 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop_thread_parameter found: nid=0xCF0CC697, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
4109 [GUI] INFO emu - 235 NIDS mapped
4125 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=1, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x4000, addr=0x08800000: returns 0x08800000
4140 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_High, size=0x400, addr=0x00000000: returns 0x09FFFC00
4140 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread root
4140 [GUI] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/
4218 [GUI] INFO ge - OpenGL version: 2.1.2
4265 [GUI] INFO ge - Using VBO
Compability options used: None
5266 [Emu] INFO runtime - Using Compiler
5516 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AEDDF8 by Native Code 'strlen'
5516 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AED5D0 by Native Code 'memset'
5547 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AF54AC by Native Code 'nop'
5563 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C0D30 by Native Code 'nop'
5610 [threadmain] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelNotifyCallback(type=0) no registered callbacks to push
6438 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AED7A0 by Native Code 'strcpy'
6438 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AED6BC by Native Code 'strcat'
6469 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6420_size0xc80 flags = 1 permissions = 00
6500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='AUDIOCODEC.PRX'): module from banlist not loaded
6500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'AUDIOCODEC'
6500 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x63f0_size0x4f40 flags = 1 permissions = 00
6500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/sce_lbn0x63f0_size0x4f40'): module from banlist not loaded
6516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'libatrac3plus'
6516 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6440_size0x1900 flags = 1 permissions = 00
6516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/sce_lbn0x6440_size0x1900'): module from banlist not loaded
6516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'sc_sascore'
6610 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0886B1AC by Native Code 'nop'
6797 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AEE024 by Native Code 'strncpy'
7188 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x0_size0x4AD11000 flags = 1 permissions = 0777
7235 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088E8CF4 by Native Code 'nop'
7235 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B92B8 by Native Code 'nop'
7235 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C09BC by Native Code 'nop'
7235 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B92C0 by Native Code 'nop'
7235 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C09AC by Native Code 'nop'
7250 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C09B4 by Native Code 'nop'
7250 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C11D0 by Native Code 'nop'
7282 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A8C450 by Native Code 'nop'
7313 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08952724 by Native Code 'nop'
7344 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceUtility - PARTIAL:sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08B616BC, mode=8, gameName=ULUS10041, saveName=S0, fileName=DATA.BIN
7375 [SysManager] INFO hle.scePower - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0 SceUID=5f
7391 [memstick] WARN hle.sceUtility - PARTIAL:Savedata mode 8 (SCE_UTILITY_SAVEDATA_TYPE_SIZES)
7407 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6460_size0xfb0 flags = 1 permissions = 00
7500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='VIDEOCODEC.PRX'): module from banlist not loaded
7500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'VIDEOCODEC'
7500 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6430_size0x16a0 flags = 1 permissions = 00
7500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/sce_lbn0x6430_size0x16a0'): module from banlist not loaded
7500 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'mpeg'
7516 [threadmain] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x6400_size0xb450 flags = 1 permissions = 00
7516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/sce_lbn0x6400_size0xb450'): module from banlist not loaded
7516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'mpeg'
7516 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegInit
7516 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegQueryMemSize(mode=0)
7516 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegCreate(mpeg=0x9403c7c,data=0x99981d4,size=65536,ringbuffer=0x9403c80,frameWidth=512,mode=0,ddrtop=0x0)
7532 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AED584 by Native Code 'memcmp'
7579 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegQueryStreamSize lastTimeStamp=1585494
7579 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegRegistStream(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream_type=0,stream_num=0)
7579 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegRegistStream(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream_type=1,stream_num=0)
7579 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegInitAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,buffer=0xe2e20000,au=0x9403cb4)
7579 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegInitAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,buffer=0x99a35e0,au=0x9403ccc)
7610 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x0,bufferwidth=512,pixelformat=3,sync=1) bad params (topaddr==0)
7641 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
7657 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
7672 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
7688 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
7719 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
7719 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=1)
7719 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
7719 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
7735 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
7750 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
7766 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=0)
7782 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
7782 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9845d60,init=0)
7875 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x9403d20) is using main memory.
7875 [MPEGdisplayThread] INFO hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x9403d20,bufferwidth=512,pixelformat=3,sync=1) ok
8047 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8047 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=0)
8063 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x948bd20) is using main memory.
8063 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8063 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9845d60,init=0)
8079 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
8079 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
8094 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
8094 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8094 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=0)
8110 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x9403d20) is using main memory.
8125 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8125 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9845d60,init=0)
8141 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
8157 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
8157 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
8157 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x948bd20) is using main memory.
8157 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8157 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=0)
8188 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
8188 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
8188 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
8204 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x9403d20) is using main memory.
8204 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8204 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9845d60,init=0)
8219 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8219 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=0)
8250 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
8250 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x948bd20) is using main memory.
8266 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
8266 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
8282 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8282 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9845d60,init=0)
8282 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
8282 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x9403d20) is using main memory.
8297 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
8297 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
8297 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8297 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9843d60,init=0)
8313 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAvcAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340000,au=0x9403cb4,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb0)
8313 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAvcDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403cb4,frameWidth=512,buffer=0x9403c60,init=0x9ff6ebc)
8329 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceMpeg - currentDate: Thu Jan 01 02:00:00 EET 1970
8329 [MPEGdisplayThread] WARN hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplaySetFrameBuf (topaddr=0x948bd20) is using main memory.
8329 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegGetAtracAu(mpeg=0x9403c7c,stream=0x34340001,au=0x9403ccc,attr_addr=0x9ff6eb8)
8344 [threadmain] WARN hle.sceMpeg - PARTIAL: sceMpegAtracDecode(mpeg=0x9403c7c,au=0x9403ccc,buffer=0x9845d60,init=0)
23047 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08872F04 by Native Code 'nop'
23079 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AEDFC0 by Native Code 'strncmp'
23344 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0891B220 by Native Code 'nop'
23344 [threadmain] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - Unimplemented sceKernelReferThreadProfiler
23344 [threadmain] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - Unimplemented sceKernelReferGlobalProfiler
23375 [threadmain] INFO hle.sceSasCore - PARTIAL __sceSasInit: sasCore=0x08b7fac0, unk1=0x00000100, unk2=0x00000020, unk3=0x00000000, sampleRate=48000
23454 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08AED750 by Native Code 'strcmp'
23516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - Unimplemented sceKernelReferThreadProfiler
23516 [threadmain] WARN hle.ThreadManForUser - Unimplemented sceKernelReferGlobalProfiler
24969 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A829A0 by Native Code 'nop'
25016 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08877EFC by Native Code 'nop'
25391 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8958E6C (3690/3000)
25922 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8958F08 (3651/3000)
27954 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8959418 (3327/3000)
28282 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_89E255C (3800/3000)
28547 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8958F48 (3635/3000)
28672 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8959018 (3583/3000)
29516 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_89E1F94 (4170/3000)
29719 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8958E30 (3705/3000)
29922 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8902C58 (5342/3000)
30407 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088EF70C by Native Code 'nop'
30657 [threadmain] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089C7514 by Native Code 'nop'
Thread ID - 0x00000004
Th Name - idle0
zr:0x00000000 at:0x00000000 v0:0x00000000 v1:0x00000000
a0:0x00000000 a1:0x00000000 a2:0x00000000 a3:0x00000000
t0:0x00000000 t1:0x00000000 t2:0x00000000 t3:0x00000000
t4:0x00000000 t5:0x00000000 t6:0x00000000 t7:0x00000000
s0:0x00000000 s1:0x00000000 s2:0x00000000 s3:0x00000000
s4:0x00000000 s5:0x00000000 s6:0x00000000 s7:0x00000000
t8:0x00000000 t9:0x00000000 k0:0x08801F00 k1:0x00000000
gp:0x08B65FF8 sp:0x08801E00 fp:0x00000000 ra:0x08000020
0x88000000: 0x24040000 - addiu $a0, $zr, 0 <=> li $a0, 0
Thread Name: 'UmdStreamThread' ID: 0x0051 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x20 Initial Priority: 0x20
Thread Entry: 0x08AC705C Stack: 0x09FCF400 - 0x09FD7400 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 198043 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: EventFlag (0x004F) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'idle0' ID: 0x0004 Module ID: 0x0000
Thread Status: 0x00000001 PSP_THREAD_RUNNING
Thread Attr: 0x00001000 Current Priority: 0x7F Initial Priority: 0x7F
Thread Entry: 0x88000000 Stack: 0x08800000 - 0x08802000 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 2224828 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'idle1' ID: 0x0005 Module ID: 0x0000
Thread Status: 0x00000002 PSP_THREAD_READY
Thread Attr: 0x00001000 Current Priority: 0x7F Initial Priority: 0x7F
Thread Entry: 0x88000000 Stack: 0x08802000 - 0x08804000 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 2727114 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'threadmain' ID: 0x000C Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x38 Initial Priority: 0x38
Thread Entry: 0x089C31F8 Stack: 0x09FD7400 - 0x09FF7400 Stack Size: 0x00020000
Thread Run Clocks: 477973864 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None (delay) Us: 1000 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'eecdstreamThread' ID: 0x005B Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x40 Initial Priority: 0x40
Thread Entry: 0x08A8A5A8 Stack: 0x09FFE000 - 0x09FFF000 Stack Size: 0x00001000
Thread Run Clocks: 24385 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x005A) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'SysManager' ID: 0x000E Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x6F Initial Priority: 0x6F
Thread Entry: 0x08935BE0 Stack: 0x09FFF000 - 0x0A000000 Stack Size: 0x00001000
Thread Run Clocks: 21422 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None (delay) Us: 10000 Forever: false
Allocated memory: 017EB188 25080200 bytes
Fragmented memory: 00022900 141568 bytes
[ X]
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'idle1' after reschedule
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread threadmain to idle1
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Starting Idle State...
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=true
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'threadmain' after reschedule
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread idle1
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - ---------------------------------------- SceUID=c name:'threadmain'
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread threadmain
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Ending Idle State
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=threadmain, currentRuntimeThread=threadmain
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle - sceKernelPollEventFlag uid=0x53 bits=0x3 wait=0x11 outBits=0x9ff6e70
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=threadmain, currentRuntimeThread=threadmain
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelDelayThread micros=1000, callbacks=false
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - -------------------- hleKernelThreadWait micros=1000 forever:false thread:'threadmain' caller:'ThreadManForUser.hleKernelDelayThread'
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'idle0' after reschedule
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread threadmain to idle0
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Starting Idle State...
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=true
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'threadmain' after reschedule
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread idle0
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - ---------------------------------------- SceUID=c name:'threadmain'
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread threadmain
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Ending Idle State
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=threadmain, currentRuntimeThread=threadmain
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG hle - sceKernelPollEventFlag uid=0x53 bits=0x3 wait=0x11 outBits=0x9ff6e70
224875 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=threadmain, currentRuntimeThread=threadmain
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelDelayThread micros=1000, callbacks=false
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - -------------------- hleKernelThreadWait micros=1000 forever:false thread:'threadmain' caller:'ThreadManForUser.hleKernelDelayThread'
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'SysManager' after reschedule
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - ---------------------------------------- SceUID=e name:'SysManager'
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread threadmain to SysManager
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=threadmain, currentRuntimeThread=SysManager
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Waiting to be scheduled...
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - Waiting to be scheduled...
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - Scheduled, restarting...
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelDelayThread micros=10000, callbacks=true
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - -------------------- hleKernelThreadWait micros=10000 forever:false thread:'SysManager' caller:'ThreadManForUser.hleKernelDelayThread'
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'threadmain' after reschedule
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - ---------------------------------------- SceUID=c name:'threadmain'
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread SysManager to threadmain
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle.sceCtrl - hleCtrlExecuteSampling
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle - Triggering Interrupt VBLANK(0x1E)
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle - Calling InterruptHandler 0x08AB3D64(0x0000000F,0x00000000)
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - Start of Callback 0x8ab3d64
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - End of Callback 0x8ab3d64
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG hle - End of Interrupt
224890 [SysManager] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=SysManager, currentRuntimeThread=threadmain
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Scheduled, restarting...
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle - sceKernelPollEventFlag uid=0x53 bits=0x3 wait=0x11 outBits=0x9ff6e70
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=threadmain, currentRuntimeThread=threadmain
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelDelayThread micros=1000, callbacks=false
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - -------------------- hleKernelThreadWait micros=1000 forever:false thread:'threadmain' caller:'ThreadManForUser.hleKernelDelayThread'
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'idle1' after reschedule
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread threadmain to idle1
224890 [threadmain] DEBUG runtime - Starting Idle State...