got the first game on JPCSP,playing...playing...playing...
suddenly ,Oh god, it occurred to me that i even don't know how to save...
i tried this,saved successfull,but failed to load it....
click "Load Snapshot" and the Result:
WinXP 32bit v6.0 r1948 32bit,default config:
WinXP 32bit v6.0 r1948 32bit,launch with JPCSP Launcher v1.4.0.4,set "xmx size(MB)" to 1024:
Win7 64bit v6.0 r1948 32bit,default config:
Win7 64bit v6.0 r1948 64bit,default config:
i do find some explaination about this
read "The saving snapshot doesn't work very well at the moment so just save normally instead of using save states." and suggest "save the game normally"
so i tried 'save' option in the game to save the game,and,again,failed....
the game pointed out that i dont have the memstick plugged in...let alone "it brings up a window outside of the game for saving" like this (the screenshot of a user who saved successfully)
v6.0 r1824,that's the version he uses,and see this option(my game cant run on this version) "Avoid 0x801103c7 error in savedatamode 8 (can enable SAVEDATA in some game)" it seems that this option solved the MEMStick save problem.
however,this option disappeared in the later release.i'm confused about this,why was the option canncelled? will it appear again?
(01-06-2011, 02:00 PM)ultimatenokia Wrote: got the first game on JPCSP,playing...playing...playing...
suddenly ,Oh god, it occurred to me that i even don't know how to save...
i tried this,saved successfull,but failed to load it....
click "Load Snapshot" and the Result:
WinXP 32bit v6.0 r1948 32bit,default config:
WinXP 32bit v6.0 r1948 32bit,launch with JPCSP Launcher v1.4.0.4,set "xmx size(MB)" to 1024:
i do find some explaination about this
read "The saving snapshot doesn't work very well at the moment so just save normally instead of using save states." and suggest "save the game normally"
so i tried 'save' option in the game to save the game,and,again,failed....
the game pointed out that i dont have the memstick plugged in...let alone "it brings up a window outside of the game for saving" like this (the screenshot of a user who saved successfully)
v6.0 r1824,that's the version he uses,and see this option(my game cant run on this version)
"Avoid 0x801103c7 error in savedatamode 8 (can enable SAVEDATA in some game)" it seems that this option solved the MEMStick save problem.
however,this option disappeared in the later release.i'm confused about this,why was the option canncelled? will it appear again?
What games is it you are talking? In the screenshot you have a Zero no Kiseki save in the window, is that the game you were trying to save in?
I honestly never used the snapshots so I suggest you use the ingame save system, this "outside window" you are talking about is a normal behavior. You just have to select a save slot and then save. This should work in most of the games.
I think the "avoid ..." option disappeared because it is not needed anymore as the save system is fixed to correctly save without the option.
JPCSP games tested with Athlon X2 4850e, 4 GB RAM, Radeon HD 3300 (onboard), OpenGL: 3.3.11653, Windows XP SP3 32-bit PPSSPP games tested with Intel i3, 4 GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 2000 (onboard), OpenGL: 3.1.0 Build, Windows XP SP3 32-bit
That's not my screenshot
it's from another user who can save and load without trouble
the game i'm running is Tora Dora Portable
when i choose 'save' in the game menu, i was told that the memstick wasn't plugged in (”记忆棒被拔出,中断操作“) so i can't even save
(01-06-2011, 02:51 PM)ultimatenokia Wrote: That's not my screenshot
it's from another user who can save and load without trouble
the game i'm running is Tora Dora Portable
when i choose 'save' in the game menu, i was told that the memstick wasn't plugged in (”记忆棒被拔出,中断操作“) so i can't even save
Sorry, I don't know that game. Activate the logger (Debug, Tools, Logger, Show Logger) then set the log level to INFO, run the game and after the error close JPCSP and upload the packed log.html
JPCSP games tested with Athlon X2 4850e, 4 GB RAM, Radeon HD 3300 (onboard), OpenGL: 3.3.11653, Windows XP SP3 32-bit PPSSPP games tested with Intel i3, 4 GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 2000 (onboard), OpenGL: 3.1.0 Build, Windows XP SP3 32-bit
01-06-2011, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2011, 03:48 PM by ultimatenokia.)
Time 13148 to 13612 "检查记忆棒中,请不要插拔记忆棒" means "Examing(Detecting?) MEMSTICK,Don't remove MEMSTICK"
(almost all games start with this kind of message,don't they?)
then come to time 13621~14117
when i've entered the game,trying to save,
it shows
"检查记忆棒中,请不要插拔记忆棒" again (time 106047~106144) ,
and ends up with the message
"记忆棒被拔出了,中断操作" which means "MEMSTICK has been removed,Cannot save,please press any key...."(time 108909~108955) i guess that time 106145~106487 is the key problem?though there isn't any WARNING or ERROR?
em .html can't be upload as attach?
finally figured it out.."packed"....
log.rar (Size: 9.19 KB / Downloads: 173)
01-06-2011, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 01-06-2011, 05:30 PM by Darth1701.)
(01-06-2011, 03:41 PM)ultimatenokia Wrote: Time 13148 to 13612 "检查记忆棒中,请不要插拔记忆棒" means "Examing(Detecting?) MEMSTICK,Don't remove MEMSTICK"
(almost all games start with this kind of message,don't they?)
then come to time 13621~14117
when i've entered the game,trying to save,
it shows
"检查记忆棒中,请不要插拔记忆棒" again (time 106047~106144) ,
and ends up with the message
"记忆棒被拔出了,中断操作" which means "MEMSTICK has been removed,Cannot save,please press any key...."(time 108909~108955) i guess that time 106145~106487 is the key problem?though there isn't any WARNING or ERROR?
em .html can't be upload as attach?
finally figured it out.."packed"....
Yeah, sorry. "Packed" is not the right word, glad you figured it out.
It seems it has some problems with Mode 15. I too have a game with problems with this mode. Let's hope the devs figure this out using your log. Right now you just have to wait and be patient.
I attached the log of Gurumin, it seems it has problems with Mode 15 too and it could be the same cause but it does not say so. It's like this: When I want to start a new game it just sits at the slot selection window. It could be because it does not recognize the memory stick.
JPCSP games tested with Athlon X2 4850e, 4 GB RAM, Radeon HD 3300 (onboard), OpenGL: 3.3.11653, Windows XP SP3 32-bit PPSSPP games tested with Intel i3, 4 GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 2000 (onboard), OpenGL: 3.1.0 Build, Windows XP SP3 32-bit