Completely broken, can't say exactly which revision cause it, since from r1877-r1880 it gives java exception, from r1881 - same result as r1891.
Load with decrypted boot.bin
Running with dynarec compiler (log level set to INFO)
Compability options used: None
Load with decrypted boot.bin
12895 [GUI] INFO emu - Jpcsp v0.6
12902 [GUI] INFO emu - UMD param.sfo :
REGION = 32768
TITLE = LittleBigPlanetâ„¢
probably homebrew? false
12907 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 600
12912 [GUI] INFO emu - Loading global compatibility settings
12912 [GUI] INFO ge - Only GE Graphics: false
12941 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio ChReserve disabled: false
12941 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio Blocking disabled: false
12942 [GUI] INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - Audio threads disabled: false
12942 [GUI] INFO memory - Ignore invalid memory access: false
12943 [GUI] DEBUG emu - No patch file found for this game
12950 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - RuntimeContext.reset
13038 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 600
13089 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#0: loading program 08804000 - 08BE2038 - 08C0EDB8
13119 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#0: new loadAddressLow 08804000
13119 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH alloc consumption 0040ADB8 (mem 0002CD80)
13119 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .sbss: ignoring zero-length type 8 section 08BE2038
13120 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .bss: clearing section 08BE2040 - 08C0EDB8 (len 0002CD78)
13121 [GUI] INFO emu - Found ModuleInfo name:'LBPPSP' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08bea030
13121 [GUI] DEBUG memory - Reserving 0x40ADB8 bytes at 0x08804000 for module 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN'
13122 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x40ADB8, addr=0x08804000: returns 0x08804000
13124 [GUI] INFO emu - Found 332 imports from 37 modules
13125 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start found: nid=0xD632ACDB, function=0x08804114
13126 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop found: nid=0xCEE8593C, function=0x088044B8
13126 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start_thread_parameter found: nid=0x0F7C276C, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
13126 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop_thread_parameter found: nid=0xCF0CC697, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
13126 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_info found: nid=0xF01D73A7, addr=0x08BA72A8
13127 [GUI] WARN emu - module_sdk_version found: nid=0x11B97506, sdk_version=0x05050010
13127 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA665C [0xF2D8D1B4] Module 'ModuleMgrForUser'(attempt 1)
13128 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6A3C [0x47347B50] Module 'sceHttp'(attempt 1)
13128 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6A6C [0x8EEFD953] Module 'sceHttp'(attempt 1)
13128 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6C84 [0x37E1E274] Module 'sceNp'(attempt 1)
13128 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6C8C [0x7E0864DF] Module 'sceNp'(attempt 1)
13129 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6C94 [0x857B47D3] Module 'sceNp'(attempt 1)
13129 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6C9C [0xBB069A87] Module 'sceNp'(attempt 1)
13129 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CA4 [0x3F1C1F70] Module 'sceNpAuth'(attempt 1)
13129 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CAC [0x4EC1F667] Module 'sceNpAuth'(attempt 1)
13130 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CB4 [0xA1DE86F8] Module 'sceNpAuth'(attempt 1)
13130 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CBC [0xCD86A656] Module 'sceNpAuth'(attempt 1)
13130 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CC4 [0x00ACFAC3] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13130 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CCC [0x0F8F5821] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13131 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CD4 [0x168B8DE5] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13131 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CDC [0x1DA3E950] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13131 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CE4 [0x4E851B10] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13131 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CEC [0x506C318D] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13132 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CF4 [0x5494274B] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13132 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6CFC [0x58251346] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13132 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6D04 [0x66C64821] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13132 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6D0C [0x78802D5F] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13133 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6D14 [0x90E4DB6A] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13133 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6D1C [0xA01443AA] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13133 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6D24 [0xA670D3A3] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13133 [GUI] WARN emu - Failed to map import at 0x08BA6D2C [0xBE22EEA3] Module 'sceNpService'(attempt 1)
13134 [GUI] INFO emu - 307 NIDS mapped
13134 [GUI] INFO emu - 25 remaining unmapped NIDS
13136 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=1, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x4000, addr=0x08800000: returns 0x08800000
13203 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_High, size=0x400, addr=0x00000000: returns 0x09FFFC00
13203 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread root
13204 [GUI] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/
13246 [GUI] INFO ge - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31
13246 [GUI] INFO ge - OpenGL version: 4.1.0
13246 [GUI] INFO ge - Shading Language version: 4.10 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
13247 [GUI] INFO ge - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS; 0x0
13275 [GUI] INFO ge - Using VBO
13276 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 1
13277 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=2880, buffer size=2880, usage=6
13282 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 2
13282 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=8388608, buffer size=8388608, usage=0
13295 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 3
13295 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=8388608, buffer size=8388608, usage=0
13303 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 4
13303 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=64, buffer size=64, usage=6
13304 [GUI] DEBUG ge - genTexture
13304 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindTexture 1
13305 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexImage level=0, internalFormat=3, 512x512, format=3, type=3, textureSize=0
13306 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMinFilter 0
13306 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMagFilter 0
13306 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMaxLevel 0
13306 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 1, 1
13307 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - start display
13307 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT0
13307 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT1
13308 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT2
13308 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT3
13308 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDisplay
13308 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setViewport x=0, y=0, width=480, height=272
13308 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - rendering the FB 0x04000000
13309 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindTexture 1
13309 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setPixelStore rowLength=512, alignment=3
13309 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexSubImage level=0, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, width=512, height=272, format=3, type=3, textureSize=557056
13310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_DEPTH_TEST
13310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_BLEND
13310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_ALPHA_TEST
13311 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_FOG
13311 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHTING
13311 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
13311 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_STENCIL_TEST
13311 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_CULL_FACE
13312 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_SCISSOR_TEST
13312 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
13312 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMinFilter 0
13312 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMagFilter 0
13312 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMaxLevel 0
13313 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 1, 1
13313 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setDepthMask disabled
13313 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=3 ALPHA
13313 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=1
13314 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace clockwise
13314 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBones count=0
13315 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,004 0,000 0,000 0,000
13315 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 -0,007 0,000 0,000
13315 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 0,000 -1,000 0,000
13315 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix -1,000 1,000 -0,000 1,000
13316 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13316 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
13316 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
13317 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
13317 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13317 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
13317 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
13318 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
13318 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDirectRendering texture=true, depth=false, color=true, ortho=true, inverted=false, 480x272
13318 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 0
13318 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 1
13319 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 2
13319 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 3
13319 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 4
13320 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexCoordPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=0
13320 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setVertexPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=8
13320 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=64, buffer size=64, usage=6
13320 [GUI] DEBUG ge - drawArrays type=7, first=0, count=4
13321 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
13321 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=12
13321 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=0
13321 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 0, 0
13321 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace counter-clockwise
13322 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDirectRendering
13322 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDisplay
13322 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - end display
13345 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - start display
13345 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT0
13345 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT1
13345 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT2
13345 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT3
13346 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDisplay
13346 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setViewport x=0, y=0, width=480, height=272
13346 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - rendering the FB 0x04000000
13346 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindTexture 1
13346 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setPixelStore rowLength=512, alignment=3
13347 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexSubImage level=0, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, width=512, height=272, format=3, type=3, textureSize=557056
13347 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_DEPTH_TEST
13347 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_BLEND
13348 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_ALPHA_TEST
13348 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_FOG
13348 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHTING
13348 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
13348 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_STENCIL_TEST
13349 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_CULL_FACE
13349 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_SCISSOR_TEST
13349 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
13349 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMinFilter 0
13349 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMagFilter 0
13349 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMaxLevel 0
13350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 1, 1
13350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setDepthMask disabled
13350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=3 ALPHA
13350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=1
13350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace clockwise
13350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBones count=0
13351 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,004 0,000 0,000 0,000
13351 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 -0,007 0,000 0,000
13351 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 0,000 -1,000 0,000
13351 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix -1,000 1,000 -0,000 1,000
13352 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13352 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
13352 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
13352 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
13353 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
13353 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
13353 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
13353 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
13354 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDirectRendering texture=true, depth=false, color=true, ortho=true, inverted=false, 480x272
13354 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 0
13354 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 1
13354 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 2
13354 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 3
13355 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 4
13355 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexCoordPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=0
13355 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setVertexPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=8
13355 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=64, buffer size=64, usage=6
13355 [GUI] DEBUG ge - drawArrays type=7, first=0, count=4
13356 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
13356 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=12
13356 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=0
13356 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 0, 0
13356 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace counter-clockwise
13356 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDirectRendering
13357 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDisplay
13357 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - end display
Compability options used: None
14972 [Emu] INFO runtime - Using Compiler
15065 [root_6] WARN hle - Unsupported syscall 20F0 SysMemUserForUser_91DE343C 05000010 09FFFE00 00000000
15076 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08B9D47C by Native Code 'strlen'
15079 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15132 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15186 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08A7DA40 by Native Code 'nop'
15196 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15673 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089EF264 by Native Code 'nop'
15693 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15694 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08B9D388 by Native Code 'strcmp'
15697 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08ACCDDC by Native Code 'nop'
15697 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08ACCDE4 by Native Code 'nop'
15700 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15715 [ExitGameThread] INFO hle.LoadExecForUser - sceKernelRegisterExitCallback SceUID=1c
15715 [ExitGameThread] INFO hle.scePower - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=0 SceUID=1d
15766 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089EF208 by Native Code 'nop'
15803 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15824 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
15838 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0500) PSP_MODULE_NP_DRM
15846 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9D47C-0x08B9D490 by Native Code 'strlen'
15874 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - sceIoDevctl 0x01F20002 unknown command
15907 [user_main] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x0000_size0x6DF78000 flags = 1 permissions = 00
15927 [user_main] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/modules/prx/pspnet_ap_dialog_dummy.prx'): module from banlist not loaded
15928 [user_main] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'pspnet_ap_dialog_dummy'
15928 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0400) PSP_MODULE_NP_COMMON
15929 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0401) PSP_MODULE_NP_SERVICE
15932 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08949214 by Native Code 'nop'
15950 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0300) PSP_MODULE_AV_AVCODEC
15951 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0301) PSP_MODULE_AV_SASCORE
15951 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadModule(module=0x0302) PSP_MODULE_AV_ATRAC3PLUS
15954 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasInit
15984 [user_main] INFO stdout -
15990 [user_main] INFO stdout - ========================================================
15995 [user_main] INFO stdout - SCREAM PSP (c)2006 Sony Computer Entertainment America
16001 [user_main] INFO stdout - v2.7.0, built Oct 9 2009 at 16:40:26
16007 [user_main] INFO stdout - ========================================================
16015 [user_main] INFO stdout - Sound Tick Thread Priority: 27
16020 [user_main] INFO stdout - ========================================================
16026 [user_main] INFO stdout -
16034 [user_main] INFO stdout - snd_stream v1.10.2
16034 [user_main] INFO stdout - , built Oct 1 2009 at 10:37:20
16034 [user_main] INFO stdout - Compiled against Scream v2.7.0
16059 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9B178-0x08B9B21C by Native Code 'memset'
16080 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x089EF26C by Native Code 'nop'
16098 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0894921C by Native Code 'nop'
16109 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08B9D47C-0x08B9D490 by Native Code 'strlen'
86742 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - -------------------- hleKernelThreadWait micros=15000 forever:false thread:'ExitGameThread' caller:'ThreadManForUser.hleKernelDelayThread'
86743 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'snd_tick_timer_thread(Status PSP_THREAD_READY, Wait None)' after reschedule
86743 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - ---------------------------------------- SceUID=79 name:'snd_tick_timer_thread'
86744 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread ExitGameThread to snd_tick_timer_thread
86744 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=ExitGameThread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86744 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - Waiting to be scheduled...
86744 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - Scheduled, restarting...
86745 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86746 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86746 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86746 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86747 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelSignalSema id=0x74 name='valloc_mutex_sema' signal=1
86747 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86748 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86748 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86749 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86749 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86750 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelSignalSema id=0x78 name='snd_tick_lock_sema' signal=1
86750 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86751 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86751 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86751 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86752 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86752 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelPollSema id=0x74 signal=1 'valloc_mutex_sema'
86753 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86753 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86754 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86754 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.sceCtrl - hleCtrlExecuteSampling
86754 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Triggering Interrupt VBLANK(0x1E)
86755 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - End of Interrupt
86755 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86755 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86756 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelPollSema id=0x78 signal=1 'snd_tick_lock_sema'
86756 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86756 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86757 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86757 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86758 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86758 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasGetEndFlag(sasCore=0x8c01800)
86759 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86759 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86760 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86760 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86760 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86761 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86761 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86762 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86762 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86763 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86763 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86763 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelSignalSema id=0x74 name='valloc_mutex_sema' signal=1
86764 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86764 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86765 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86765 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86766 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86766 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelSignalSema id=0x78 name='snd_tick_lock_sema' signal=1
86766 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86767 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86767 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86768 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86768 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86768 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelPollSema id=0x74 signal=1 'valloc_mutex_sema'
86769 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86769 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86770 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelGetThreadId returning uid=0x79
86770 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=snd_tick_timer_thread
86771 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86771 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelPollSema id=0x78 signal=1 'snd_tick_lock_sema'
86771 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.sceCtrl - hleCtrlExecuteSampling
86772 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Triggering Interrupt VBLANK(0x1E)
86772 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - End of Interrupt
86772 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - Context switching to 'ExitGameThread(Status PSP_THREAD_READY, Wait None)' after reschedule
86773 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - ---------------------------------------- SceUID=1a name:'ExitGameThread'
86773 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - Switching from Thread snd_tick_timer_thread to ExitGameThread
86774 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=snd_tick_timer_thread, currentRuntimeThread=ExitGameThread
86774 [snd_tick_timer_thread] DEBUG runtime - Waiting to be scheduled...
86774 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - Scheduled, restarting...
86775 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86776 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - sceKernelCheckCallback(void)
86776 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - syncThread currentThread=ExitGameThread, currentRuntimeThread=ExitGameThread
86776 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG runtime - syncEmulator immediately=false
86777 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - hleKernelDelayThread micros=15000, callbacks=true
86777 [ExitGameThread] DEBUG hle.ThreadManForUser - -------------------- hleKernelThreadWait micros=15000 forever:false thread:'ExitGameThread' caller:'ThreadManForUser.hleKernelDelayThread'
Thread ID - 0x0000001A
Th Name - ExitGameThread
zr:0x00000000 at:0x00000000 v0:0x00000000 v1:0x00000001
a0:0x00003A98 a1:0x00000000 a2:0x08C0FED0 a3:0x00000000
t0:0x08BF2E04 t1:0x08C0FEF0 t2:0x08C0FEE8 t3:0x00000000
t4:0x00000008 t5:0x09053650 t6:0x000000F8 t7:0x00000000
s0:0x08BF0000 s1:0x00000001 s2:0x08C0F8F0 s3:0x08BF0000
s4:0x08BC0000 s5:0x08BED120 s6:0x00000000 s7:0x00000000
t8:0x08964668 t9:0x089F56E8 k0:0x09FB4B00 k1:0x00000000
gp:0x08BEA030 sp:0x09FB4A50 fp:0x00000000 ra:0x089F5D88
0x08000030: 0x0010290C - syscall 0x040A4 [hleKernelExitCallback]
Thread Name: '08C12774 fios mediathread' ID: 0x0044 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x1C Initial Priority: 0x1C
Thread Entry: 0x08ACD4B8 Stack: 0x09FABC00 - 0x09FB3C00 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 651 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x0041) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: '091150C4 fios scheduler' ID: 0x0065 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x1D Initial Priority: 0x1D
Thread Entry: 0x08ACD4B8 Stack: 0x09F91C00 - 0x09F99C00 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 979 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x0058) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'idle0' ID: 0x0004 Module ID: 0x0000
Thread Status: 0x00000002 PSP_THREAD_READY
Thread Attr: 0x00001000 Current Priority: 0x7F Initial Priority: 0x7F
Thread Entry: 0x88000000 Stack: 0x08800000 - 0x08802000 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 0 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Thread Name: 'idle1' ID: 0x0005 Module ID: 0x0000
Thread Status: 0x00000002 PSP_THREAD_READY
Thread Attr: 0x00001000 Current Priority: 0x7F Initial Priority: 0x7F
Thread Entry: 0x88000000 Stack: 0x08802000 - 0x08804000 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 9 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 0 Forever: false
Thread Name: '08C12CE4 fios mediathread' ID: 0x0061 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x1C Initial Priority: 0x1C
Thread Entry: 0x08ACD4B8 Stack: 0x09F99C00 - 0x09FA1C00 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 651 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x005E) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'user_main' ID: 0x0008 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x1E Initial Priority: 0x20
Thread Entry: 0x08804228 Stack: 0x09FB4C00 - 0x09FFFC00 Stack Size: 0x0004B000
Thread Run Clocks: 790155 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x0057) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: '08C14120 ss_service_thread_0' ID: 0x007E Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x11 Initial Priority: 0x11
Thread Entry: 0x08ACD4B8 Stack: 0x09F80C00 - 0x09F88C00 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 36 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x007B) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: '09108AE8 rm_data' ID: 0x006F Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x1E Initial Priority: 0x1E
Thread Entry: 0x08ACD4B8 Stack: 0x09F89C00 - 0x09F91C00 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 605 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x006C) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'SceIofileAsync' ID: 0x004F Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80004000 Current Priority: 0x1E Initial Priority: 0x1E
Thread Entry: 0x08000040 Stack: 0x09FA1C00 - 0x09FA3C00 Stack Size: 0x00002000
Thread Run Clocks: 4 Exit Code: 0x800201A2
Thread Wait Type: None (sleeping) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'ExitGameThread' ID: 0x001A Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000001 PSP_THREAD_RUNNING
Thread Attr: 0x80204000 Current Priority: 0x0F Initial Priority: 0x0F
Thread Entry: 0x089F5C04 Stack: 0x09FB3C00 - 0x09FB4C00 Stack Size: 0x00001000
Thread Run Clocks: 58628 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 15000 Forever: false
Thread Name: '09111574 fios scheduler' ID: 0x0048 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000004 PSP_THREAD_WAITING
Thread Attr: 0x80000000 Current Priority: 0x1D Initial Priority: 0x1D
Thread Entry: 0x08ACD4B8 Stack: 0x09FA3C00 - 0x09FABC00 Stack Size: 0x00008000
Thread Run Clocks: 979 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: Semaphore (0x003B) Us: 0 Forever: true
Thread Name: 'snd_tick_timer_thread' ID: 0x0079 Module ID: 0x0001
Thread Status: 0x00000002 PSP_THREAD_READY
Thread Attr: 0x80200000 Current Priority: 0x1B Initial Priority: 0x1B
Thread Entry: 0x08AD5928 Stack: 0x09F88C00 - 0x09F89C00 Stack Size: 0x00001000
Thread Run Clocks: 6126514 Exit Code: 0x800201A4
Thread Wait Type: None Us: 5000 Forever: false
Allocated memory: 0148E1B8 21553592 bytes
Fragmented memory: 00372200 3613184 bytes