playable - tested with r2050
Optimal Game setting
![[Image: 1416oec.jpg]](
![[Image: 10ofrye.jpg]](
![[Image: fa56o8.jpg]](
![[Image: 20fbz3a.jpg]](
Game Info
Amazon | Wikipedia
Optimal Game setting
[-] = Unchecked
[x] = Checked
[#] = Optional, use at own risk (usually a speedup, can cause crash / bugs, disable this first if you run into problems)
-When changing options do it before you load the game, or else you'll need to close and restart Jpcsp.
-These settings are only to be used as a basic template, I encourage you to find your own settings.
-Shaders only work right if you have an NVIDIA video card, if you experience any graphics problems with AMD/ATI disable the Shader options.
[X] Only GE graphhics (not recommended for homebrew)
[#] Use vertex cache
[x] Use shaders (experimental)
[x] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders)
[-] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders)
[-] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache)
[#] Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory //Speedup, however this will cause a perm effect when using "Overdrive" that won't go away. (disable for better gfx)
[-] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders)
[x] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders rec for AMD/ATI)
[x] Use Media Engine
[-] Extract media files to tmp folder
[x] Decode audio files with sonic stage (you must have ss installed for this to work)
[#] Use non-native fonts from flash0 folder
[x] Use compiler (dynarec)
[-] Output profiler into to profiler.txt (only for compiler)
[500] Maximum method size
![[Image: 1416oec.jpg]](
![[Image: 10ofrye.jpg]](
![[Image: fa56o8.jpg]](
![[Image: 20fbz3a.jpg]](
Game Info
Amazon | Wikipedia
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