Log session start time Sat May 28 18:15:03 GMT+01:00 2011

Time Thread Level Category Message
0 GUI INFO emu AT3+ audio format is not yet supported by Jpcsp (file=PSP_GAME/SND0.AT3)
5031 GUI INFO emu Java version: 1.6.0_25 (1.6.0_25-b06)
5033 GUI INFO emu Jpcsp v0.6 2156
5035 GUI INFO emu UMD param.sfo : APP_VER = 01.00 BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = ULUS10505 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.00 DRIVER_PATH = GAMEDATA_ID = ULUS10505 HRKGMP_VER = 19 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 4 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 6.20 REGION = 32768 TITLE = KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep USE_USB = 0 probably homebrew? false
5350 GUI INFO emu Loading global compatibility settings:
5351 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Region
5353 GUI INFO emu Language [English]
5354 GUI INFO emu Button preference: ["X" for "Enter"]
5354 GUI INFO emu Daylight savings: [Off]
5355 GUI INFO emu Time zone offset in minutes (GMT+/-): [0]
5356 GUI INFO emu Time format: [24H]
5357 GUI INFO emu Date format: [YYYY-MM-DD]
5358 GUI INFO emu WLAN power saving mode: [Off]
5358 GUI INFO emu Ad hoc channel: [Auto]
5359 GUI INFO emu Nickname: []
5360 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Video
5360 GUI INFO emu [ ] Disable VBO (automatically disabled if not supported)
5361 GUI INFO emu [ ] Only GE graphics (not recommended for homebrew)
5362 GUI INFO emu [ ] Use vertex cache
5363 GUI INFO emu [ ] Use shaders (experimental)
5364 GUI INFO emu [ ] Use a Geometry Shader for 2D rendering (only relevant when using shaders)
5364 GUI INFO emu [ ] Disable UBO (automatically disabled if not supported, only relevant when using shaders)
5365 GUI INFO emu [ ] Enable VAO (only relevant when using shaders and vertex cache)
5366 GUI INFO emu [ ] Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory
5367 GUI INFO emu [ ] Enable decoding of indexed textures (using CLUT) in shader (only relevant when using shaders)
5368 GUI INFO emu [ ] Enable dynamic shader generation (only relevant when using shaders, recommended for AMD/ATI)
5369 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Audio
5370 GUI INFO emu [ ] Disable audio threads
5371 GUI INFO emu [ ] Disable audio channels (not recommended)
5372 GUI INFO emu [ ] Disable audio blocking
5373 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Memory
5373 GUI INFO emu [ ] Ignore invalid memory access (not recommended for test reports, but improves performance)
5374 GUI INFO emu [ ] Ignore unmapped imports (not recommended)
5375 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Media
5375 GUI INFO emu [ ] Use Media Engine
5376 GUI INFO emu [ ] Extract media files to tmp folder
5377 GUI INFO emu [ ] Decode audio files with SonicStage (must be installed separately and requires Media Engine)
5377 GUI INFO emu [ ] Use non-native fonts from flash0 folder
5378 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Compiler
5379 GUI INFO emu [X] Use compiler (dynarec)
5379 GUI INFO emu [ ] Output profiler info to profiler.txt (only for compiler)
5380 GUI INFO emu [3000] Maximum method size
5381 GUI INFO emu Configuration / Crypto
5381 GUI INFO emu [ ] Extract decrypted EBOOT.BIN files to the TMP folder
5382 GUI INFO emu [ ] Handle SAVEDATA in crypto mode
5383 GUI INFO emu [X] Extract original PGD files to the TMP folder
5383 GUI INFO ge Only GE Graphics: false
5703 GUI INFO hle.sceAudio Audio ChReserve disabled: false
5704 GUI INFO hle.sceAudio Audio Blocking disabled: false
5705 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Audio threads disabled: false
5705 GUI INFO memory Ignore invalid memory access: false
10495 GUI INFO emu Unrecognized file format
10536 GUI INFO emu File magic 00 00 00 00
10872 GUI INFO emu Found ModuleInfo name:'MainApp' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:08bd97e0
10920 GUI INFO emu Found 281 unresolved imports
10922 GUI WARN emu Failed to map import at 0x08B300A8 [0x180F7B62] Module 'sceUtility'(attempt 1)
10923 GUI INFO emu 280 NIDS mapped
10924 GUI INFO emu 1 remaining unmapped NIDS
15131 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn0.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular'
15189 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn1.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular'
15244 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn2.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic'
15310 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn3.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic'
15367 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn4.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold'
15389 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn5.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold'
15426 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn6.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic'
15477 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn7.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic'
15542 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn8.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Regular'
15584 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn9.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Regular'
15597 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn10.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Italic'
15649 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn11.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Italic'
15691 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn12.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold'
15723 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn13.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold'
15758 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn14.pgf'. Font='Liberation Sans' Type='Bold Italic'
15790 GUI INFO hle.sceFont Loading font file 'ltn15.pgf'. Font='Liberation Serif' Type='Bold Italic'
15793 GUI INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/
16014 GUI INFO ge Using RenderingEngineLwjgl12
16015 GUI INFO ge OpenGL version: 1.4.0 - Build
16557 GUI INFO ge Using VBO
18465 root WARN hle Unsupported syscall 207E SysMemUserForUser_35669D4C 06020010 09FFFE00 00000000
18775 user_main INFO hle.LoadExecForUser sceKernelRegisterExitCallback SceUID=10
18799 user_main INFO hle.scePower scePowerRegisterCallback slot=-1, SceUID=0x12
18968 DiscInfoBind INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen filename = umd1: flags = 1 permissions = 00
19092 DiscInfoBind INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/BBS1.DAT flags = 40000001 permissions = 00
19103 DiscInfoBind INFO hle decryptPGDFile(fileName='disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/BBS1.DAT', key=77b9de64cd1fc39279d190564728a378)
70802 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser java.io.EOFException
70853 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
162452 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
162664 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
162860 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
163152 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
163304 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
163462 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
163599 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
163782 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
163946 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
164121 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
164293 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
164457 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
164661 DiscInfoBind ERROR hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoRead: Check other console for exception details. Press Run to continue.
175093 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------