WipEout Pure - UCES00001 - theball - 08-25-2010
I have the pleasure to tell that wipeout pure is now half playable 
There was a great amelioration of the texture in the revision 1746 (and 1fps more ^^).
I have no pictures for the moment but there is the principal things of the log.
Quote:UMD param.sfo : BOOTABLE = 1 CATEGORY = UG DISC_ID = UCES00001 DISC_NUMBER = 1 DISC_TOTAL = 1 DISC_VERSION = 1.01 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 2 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 1.50 REGION = 32768 TITLE = Wipeout Pure probably homebrew? false
5803 GUI INFO emu Loading global compatibility settings
5803 GUI INFO ge Only GE Graphics: false
5803 GUI INFO hle.sceMpeg Media Engine enabled
5834 GUI INFO hle.sceAudio Audio ChReserve disabled: false
5834 GUI INFO hle.sceAudio Audio Blocking disabled: false
5834 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Audio threads disabled: false
5834 GUI INFO memory Ignore invalid memory access: true
6536 GUI INFO emu Found ModuleInfo name:'WO_Game' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:00000000
6536 GUI INFO emu Found 278 imports from 33 modules
6536 GUI INFO emu 278 NIDS mapped
6552 GUI INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/
6583 GUI INFO ge OpenGL version: 3.3.10061 Compatibility Profile Context
6614 GUI INFO ge Using VBO
Quote:14299 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VSCX: coordX=0
14300 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VSCY: coordY=0
14300 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VSCZ: coordZ=0
14301 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VTCS: coordS=0.0
14301 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VTCT: coordT=0.0
14301 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VTCQ: coordQ=0.0
14302 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VCV: colorR=0, colorG=0, colorB=0
14302 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VAP: alpha=0, prim_type=0
14302 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VFC: fog=0
14303 GUI WARN ge Unimplemented VSCV: colorR2=0, colorG2=0, colorB2=0
14306 Main thread WARN hle.sceDisplay sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4000000,bufferwidth=480,pixelformat=1,sync=1) bad params
14316 Main thread INFO hle.sceDisplay sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(topaddr=0x4088000,bufferwidth=512,pixelformat=3,sync=1) ok
280393 GUI WARN ge UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX and DFIX are not supported
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - theball - 09-06-2010
revision 1772
Option used :
- ignore invalid memory address ;
- use media engine.
Quote:217372 GUI WARN ge UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX and DFIX are not supported
218850 GUI INFO ge sprite (192,102)-(0,0) at (196,102,0)-(0,0,0) flipped
218859 GUI INFO ge sprite (48,34)-(0,0) at (48,29,0)-(0,0,0) flipped
219215 GUI WARN ge Reading GE list from invalid address 0x474e290
Quote:219586 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------
219587 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser ThreadMan Statistics (2.758.705 cycles in 306,062s):
219588 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'root' runClocks:42 (0,00%)
219589 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'SceModmgrStart' runClocks:2 (0,00%)
219589 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Load screen' runClocks:131829 (4,78%)
219961 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Load screen' runClocks:1025236 (37,16%)
219961 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:39106 (1,42%)
219962 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:103750 (3,76%)
219962 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:3365 (0,12%)
219962 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:15801 (0,57%)
219963 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:14704 (0,53%)
219963 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:28772 (1,04%)
219964 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'SceIofileAsync' runClocks:7 (0,00%)
219964 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:9892 (0,36%)
219965 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:19565 (0,71%)
219965 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Atrac3 Play' runClocks:356 (0,01%)
219965 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Load screen' runClocks:208344 (7,55%)
219966 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Load screen' runClocks:1157934 (41,97%)
219966 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay ----------------------------- sceDisplay exit -----------------------------
219967 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay sceDisplay Statistics: 2633 calls in 237,271s (avg=0,090s)
219967 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay Copy GE to Memory: 1618 calls in 24,477s (avg=0,015s)
219968 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay Copy Memory to GE: 2959 calls in 4,438s (avg=0,001s)
219968 GUI INFO ge VideoEngine Statistics: 1375 calls in 226,762s (avg=0,165s)
219971 GUI INFO ge 20 most time intensive Video commands:
220295 GUI INFO ge prim : 12730 calls in 17,236s (avg=0,001s)
220296 GUI INFO ge clear : 280 calls in 1,284s (avg=0,005s)
220296 GUI INFO ge dfix : 938131 calls in 0,565s (avg=0,602us)
220297 GUI INFO ge nop : 1013195 calls in 0,177s (avg=0,175us)
220297 GUI INFO ge cte : 303046 calls in 0,068s (avg=0,224us)
220297 GUI INFO ge cload : 6275 calls in 0,019s (avg=0,003ms)
220298 GUI INFO ge uoffset : 72372 calls in 0,018s (avg=0,249us)
220298 GUI INFO ge base : 50580 calls in 0,017s (avg=0,336us)
220299 GUI INFO ge farz : 6036 calls in 0,017s (avg=0,003ms)
220300 GUI INFO ge alpha : 6017 calls in 0,017s (avg=0,003ms)
220300 GUI INFO ge model : 85152 calls in 0,016s (avg=0,188us)
220301 GUI INFO ge pmskc : 8288 calls in 0,014s (avg=0,002ms)
220301 GUI INFO ge vtype : 12730 calls in 0,012s (avg=0,943us)
220301 GUI INFO ge atst : 3206 calls in 0,011s (avg=0,003ms)
220302 GUI INFO ge call : 36985 calls in 0,010s (avg=0,270us)
220302 GUI INFO ge ret : 36967 calls in 0,010s (avg=0,271us)
220303 GUI INFO ge sop : 8871 calls in 0,010s (avg=0,001ms)
220303 GUI INFO ge ztst : 11989 calls in 0,009s (avg=0,751us)
220304 GUI INFO ge tsize0 : 6138 calls in 0,007s (avg=0,001ms)
220304 GUI INFO ge sfix : 6043 calls in 0,007s (avg=0,001ms)
220305 GUI INFO ge Vertex: 108075 calls in 59,406s (avg=0,550ms)
220305 GUI INFO ge Wait for GE Signal completion: 1697 calls in 4,542s (avg=0,003s)
220306 GUI INFO ge Wait on stall: 17661 calls in 13,029s (avg=0,738ms)
220306 GUI INFO ge Lookup in TextureCache: 49259 calls in 0,895s (avg=0,018ms)
220629 GUI INFO ge Lookup in VertexCache: 0 calls
220630 GUI INFO emu Texture Cache Statistics: TotalHits=49259, SuccessfulHits=48879 (99,23%), NotPresentHits=219 (0,44%), ChangedHits=161 (0,33%), EntriesRemoved=0, MaxSizeUsed=219 (21,90%)
220632 GUI INFO emu Vertex Cache Statistics: Cache deactivated
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - theball - 10-09-2010
rev 1884
It's funy but it's not the first april and the emu freez after trying to load the saved game ...
Quote:12768 Main thread WARN hle.ThreadManForUser sceKernelRotateThreadReadyQueue priority:0x7f is outside of valid range
and there is the error when I close the emu after freeze
Quote:java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find executable
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jumpCall(RuntimeContext.java:114)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jump(RuntimeContext.java:130)
at _S1_2_8A42BC0.s(_S1_2_8A42BC0.java:4)
at _S1_2_8949734.s(_S1_2_8949734.java:196)
at _S1_2_8949734.exec(_S1_2_8949734.java)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.runThread(RuntimeContext.java:621)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeThread.run(RuntimeThread.java:45)
at _S1_2_89497FC.s(_S1_2_89497FC.java:124)
at _S1_2_89497FC.exec(_S1_2_89497FC.java)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jumpCall(RuntimeContext.java:117)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jump(RuntimeContext.java:130)
at _S1_2_8A42BE0.s(_S1_2_8A42BE0.java:4)
at _S1_2_8949660.s(_S1_2_8949660.java:16)
at _S1_2_8949370.s(_S1_2_8949370.java:120)
at _S1_2_8949370.exec(_S1_2_8949370.java)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jumpCall(RuntimeContext.java:117)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jump(RuntimeContext.java:130)
at _S1_2_8000030.s(_S1_2_8000030.java:8)
at _S1_2_8000030.exec(_S1_2_8000030.java)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.runThread(RuntimeContext.java:621)
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeThread.run(RuntimeThread.java:45)
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - Hykem - 10-09-2010
Could you please test again in r1785?
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - theball - 10-09-2010
no it doesn't work, the text has always a rotaion of 90° and the freeze seems provided of mediaEngine or/and invalid memory address : this is the end of log
Quote:62935 Main thread WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen - retry count is 15
62987 Main thread ERROR hle MediaEngine: No audio streams found!
67010 Main thread ERROR hle MediaEngine: No video bytes decoded!
67035 soundThread WARN hle.sceAudio sceAudioOutputPannedBlocking (pvoid_buf==0): delaying current thread
67137 Main thread WARN hle.ThreadManForUser sceKernelDeleteSema - unknown uid 0x0
67138 Main thread INFO hle.sceMpeg sceMpegFinish
67142 Main thread INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen filename = ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/PPCD00001DLS001/DATA2.BIN flags = f0001 permissions = 00
67142 Main thread WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen - retry count is 15
67145 Main thread WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser sceIoChangeAsyncPriority invalid fd=514
70752 Main thread INFO hle.sceUtility sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08B114EC, mode=4, gameName=UCES00001, saveName=, fileName=PROFILE.BIN
80413 Main thread INFO hle.sceMpeg sceMpegInit
80416 Main thread INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/Data/Movies/Profile_part2.PMF flags = f0001 permissions = 00
80416 Main thread WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen - retry count is 15
80440 Main thread INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/sce_lbn0x62f0_size0xe889f80 flags = f0001 permissions = 00
80441 Main thread WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser hleIoOpen - retry count is 15
80499 Main thread ERROR hle MediaEngine: No audio streams found!
Quote:102961 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser ----------------------------- ThreadMan exit -----------------------------
102962 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser ThreadMan Statistics (1.714.003 cycles in 101,192s):
102963 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'root' runClocks:42 (0,00%)
102964 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'SceModmgrStart' runClocks:2 (0,00%)
102964 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Load screen' runClocks:152943 (8,92%)
102964 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'Load screen' runClocks:1017368 (59,36%)
102965 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:92109 (5,37%)
102965 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:354057 (20,66%)
102966 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:13911 (0,81%)
102966 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:42397 (2,47%)
102966 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'soundThread' runClocks:14679 (0,86%)
102967 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'readThread' runClocks:26488 (1,55%)
102967 GUI INFO hle.ThreadManForUser Thread name:'SceIofileAsync' runClocks:7 (0,00%)
102968 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay ----------------------------- sceDisplay exit -----------------------------
102968 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay sceDisplay Statistics: 3310 calls in 35,469s (avg=0,011s)
102968 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay Copy GE to Memory: 0 calls
102969 GUI INFO hle.sceDisplay Copy Memory to GE: 1679 calls in 1,446s (avg=0,861ms)
102969 GUI INFO ge VideoEngine Statistics: 1724 calls in 21,737s (avg=0,013s)
102970 GUI INFO ge 20 most time intensive Video commands:
102970 GUI INFO ge prim : 9960 calls in 3,177s (avg=0,319ms)
102971 GUI INFO ge clear : 2865 calls in 1,310s (avg=0,457ms)
102971 GUI INFO ge cload : 5331 calls in 0,031s (avg=0,006ms)
102971 GUI INFO ge finish : 1476 calls in 0,024s (avg=0,016ms)
102972 GUI INFO ge farz : 14182 calls in 0,023s (avg=0,002ms)
102973 GUI INFO ge model : 61885 calls in 0,022s (avg=0,355us)
102973 GUI INFO ge proj : 83153 calls in 0,018s (avg=0,216us)
102974 GUI INFO ge vtype : 9961 calls in 0,013s (avg=0,001ms)
102974 GUI INFO ge region2 : 31098 calls in 0,012s (avg=0,386us)
102975 GUI INFO ge scissor2 : 31098 calls in 0,010s (avg=0,322us)
102975 GUI INFO ge scissor1 : 31098 calls in 0,009s (avg=0,289us)
102976 GUI INFO ge base : 27189 calls in 0,009s (avg=0,331us)
102976 GUI INFO ge uscale : 15648 calls in 0,009s (avg=0,575us)
102976 GUI INFO ge yscale : 15510 calls in 0,008s (avg=0,516us)
102977 GUI INFO ge view : 61885 calls in 0,007s (avg=0,113us)
102977 GUI INFO ge zscale : 14182 calls in 0,007s (avg=0,494us)
102978 GUI INFO ge tmode : 6443 calls in 0,007s (avg=0,001ms)
102978 GUI INFO ge region1 : 31098 calls in 0,006s (avg=0,193us)
102978 GUI INFO ge ypos : 15510 calls in 0,006s (avg=0,387us)
102979 GUI INFO ge tme : 10349 calls in 0,006s (avg=0,580us)
102979 GUI INFO ge Vertex: 12719 calls in 2,288s (avg=0,180ms)
102980 GUI INFO ge Wait for GE Signal completion: 1888 calls in 4,512s (avg=0,002s)
102980 GUI INFO ge Wait on stall: 8267 calls in 8,656s (avg=0,001s)
102981 GUI INFO ge Lookup in TextureCache: 5837 calls in 0,776s (avg=0,133ms)
102981 GUI INFO ge Lookup in VertexCache: 0 calls
102982 GUI INFO emu Texture Cache Statistics: TotalHits=5837, SuccessfulHits=5665 (97,05%), NotPresentHits=40 (0,69%), ChangedHits=132 (2,26%), EntriesRemoved=0, MaxSizeUsed=40 (4,00%)
102983 GUI INFO emu Vertex Cache Statistics: Cache deactivated
102988 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x3487 PC=0894973C
102989 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x4 PC=08949748
102989 soundThread WARN hle.ThreadManForUser hleKernelWaitSema - unknown uid 0x0
102990 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
102990 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=08949764
102990 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
102991 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
102990 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949778
102993 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
102993 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
102994 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
102995 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
102995 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
102995 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
102996 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
102996 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
102996 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
102997 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
102999 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
102999 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
103000 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
103010 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
103024 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
103025 readThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
103010 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
103026 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
103026 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x18 PC=08949780
103027 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x8 PC=089497FC
103027 soundThread WARN memory IGNORED: read8 - Invalid memory address : 0x20 PC=08949804
103029 soundThread WARN hle.ThreadManForUser sceKernelSignalSema - unknown uid 0x2020202
103734 GUI INFO emu Total execution time: 99,949s
103735 GUI INFO emu PSP CPU time: 6,267s (6,3%)
103735 GUI INFO emu Display time: 35,469s (35,5%)
103736 GUI INFO emu Syscall time: 28,057s (28,1%)
103736 GUI INFO emu Syscall: 528728 calls in 28,057s (avg=0,053ms)
103736 GUI INFO emu Elapsed time per frame: 0,058s:
103736 GUI INFO emu Display time: 0,021
103736 GUI INFO emu PSP CPU time: 0,004 (994 instr)
103737 GUI INFO emu Display Speed: 17,25 FPS
103737 GUI INFO emu PSP CPU Speed: 0,27MHz (273496 instructions per second)
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - theball - 10-11-2010
All is repair with the rev1788 :-)
but the texture has always problem (like in my last pictures).
So ... this is always half-playable ^^
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - theball - 10-12-2010
So, to talk about the problem of texture, I think that comes from foreground and background (the game flash and switch between them sometimes).
I don't know if this thing can help to find where the problem is but voilà ^^.
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - dan83 - 10-13-2010
In version UCUS98612,display texture,but crash at moment, with the error: UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX and DFIX are not supported.
In Win 7.
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - theball - 10-13-2010
(10-13-2010, 11:55 AM)dan83 Wrote: In version UCUS98612,display texture,but crash at moment, with the error: UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX and DFIX are not supported.
In Win 7.
Lol, I have always this error when I am in game but that doesn't crash for me. Are you enable : Ignore invalid memory in your options ?
It's funy the difference that there is between versions of a same game.
RE: Wipeout pure - UCES00001 - dan83 - 10-13-2010
In default settings(nothing selected)
42705 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08B64D7C, aborting the list id=0x0 PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED
42716 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08B64D7C, aborting the list id=0x0 PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED
42727 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08B64D7C, aborting the list id=0x0 PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED
42738 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08B64D7C, aborting the list id=0x0 PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED
42749 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08B64D7C, aborting the list id=0x0 PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED
42749 [GUI] ERROR ge - Aborting current list processing due to too many errors
with Ignore invalid memory,the same error the previous post