First, I'm sorry for my english, I'm french ^^
So, I want to play at Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep with JPCSP on my PC. I can run the game, see the introduction, the main menu and then, I can launcher a new game. I see the first cut scene and then, when I should play, there is a drop in FPS (at this moment, I have approximately 4-5 FPS) and when there is the first loading of the game, I have a black screen !!
So, how can I configure the emulateur for my small config (I use JPCSP Launcher) to have a playable game ??
Thanks you !
EDIT: I resolve my problem about the crash of the game after the loading. I've just download an other revision of JPCSP and it work !! But, with this other version, I have an other problem^^ : in the introduction, the sound is jerky...
Can you help ?

First, I'm sorry for my english, I'm french ^^
So, I want to play at Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep with JPCSP on my PC. I can run the game, see the introduction, the main menu and then, I can launcher a new game. I see the first cut scene and then, when I should play, there is a drop in FPS (at this moment, I have approximately 4-5 FPS) and when there is the first loading of the game, I have a black screen !!
So, how can I configure the emulateur for my small config (I use JPCSP Launcher) to have a playable game ??
Thanks you !
EDIT: I resolve my problem about the crash of the game after the loading. I've just download an other revision of JPCSP and it work !! But, with this other version, I have an other problem^^ : in the introduction, the sound is jerky...
Can you help ?