gets an error (and no movie plays), but pressing 'x' lets the game proceed to the menu and ingame.
gets an error (and no movie plays), but pressing 'x' lets the game proceed to the menu and ingame.
22:33:49 INFO hle.sceMpeg - user_main - sceMpegInit
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_89115E0 (73/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8911838 (76/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8910FA4 (74/50)
22:33:49 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/MOVIE/OP_01.pmf flags = 1 permissions = 00
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890EB7C (85/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8911260 (118/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890DC20 (118/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890FA20 (151/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890F6F8 (135/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_881B1F4 (1034/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_881CBC8 (82/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8812574 (106/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_881327C (60/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8811454 (138/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_8816AF0 (63/50)
22:33:49 INFO stdout - user_main - ********** PlayMovie (0) **********
22:33:49 INFO compiler - soundThread - Splitting _S1_2_890FEB8 (77/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - displayThread - Splitting _S1_2_890E024 (92/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890E890 (187/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - readThread - Splitting _S1_2_890E57C (72/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - readThread - Splitting _S1_2_89110CC (101/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890E768 (61/50)
22:33:49 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890D96C (57/50)
22:33:50 INFO me - user_main - Using external audio 'tmp\NPUH10128\Mpeg-11214848\ExtAudio-0.wav'
22:33:50 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890DA50 (67/50)
22:33:51 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08EBFF80, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x29, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08EBFF80, stall=0x08EBFF80, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
22:33:51 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08EBFF80, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x29, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08EBFF80, stall=0x08EBFF80, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
22:33:51 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08EBFF80, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x29, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08EBFF80, stall=0x08EBFF80, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
22:33:51 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08EBFF80, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x29, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08EBFF80, stall=0x08EBFF80, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
22:33:51 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08EBFF80, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x29, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08EBFF80, stall=0x08EBFF80, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
22:33:51 ERROR ge - GUI - Aborting current list processing due to too many errors
22:33:59 INFO compiler - user_main - Splitting _S1_2_890F3D4 (201/50)
22:33:59 INFO stdout - displayThread - frame count = 276
22:33:59 INFO stdout - displayThread - frame loss = 0
22:33:59 INFO stdout - soundThread - sound count = 200
22:33:59 INFO stdout - soundThread - sound delay = 0
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