It seems to no longer crash on the loading screens or character creation, though after i completed the first mission it got an invalid memory address (not sure if it's random, I'll have to go through another test)
Toggle save ge textures to memory improves the over-bright anomaly but it's still there just less intense, )but disabling that option will cause broken textures and more crashes(
Log is from start of game -> Character creation to first mission complete.
I temporarily switched the log off on the first mission map to prevent it from looping
UNSUPPORTED: Both different SFIX (0xFEFEFE) and DFIX (0x808080) are not supported (blend equation=0) over and over
before I completed the map i switched it back on.
Seems like its more prone to crashing if "Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory" is off, re-enabled it and it completed the first mission without invalid memory addresses, that option also causes broken textures if disabled .
uploaded log from second test.
Further tests (these were complete restarts after changing an option to avoid glitches)
(I kept Shaders, and Geometry shaders enabled, disabling them also caused the same over-bright effect so I left them enabled.)
Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory (no stencil)
Stencil test + Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory
(these two options haven't liked each other since r2492)
Stencil test + Disabled Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory
(bright is better but character is all messed up at the desk
Disabled Stencil test + Disabled Enable saving GE screen to Textures instead of Memory
(same as the stencil test just a little brighter, character is messed up too)
Software mode
(kinda has a wire-frame effect)