Posts: 591
Threads: 59
Joined: Dec 2011
This homebrew application was tested with revision af141989. JPCSP immediately crashes after trying to load this application.
02:48:07 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - pspiofilemgr - filepath ms0//PSP/GAME/CyanogenPSP
02:48:07 INFO compiler - user_main - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088884D4 by Native Code 'memset'
02:48:07 ERROR compiler - idle0 - Trying to compile an invalid address 0x800004C0 while compiling from 0x88000000
02:48:07 INFO compiler - idle0 - Compiling for Interpreter _S1_2_0x88000000
02:48:07 ERROR compiler - idle0 - Trying to compile an invalid address 0x800004C8
02:48:07 ERROR runtime - idle0 - jumpCall - Cannot find executable
02:48:07 ERROR runtime - idle0 - Catched Throwable in RuntimeThread:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find executable
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jumpCall(
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.jump(
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.execWithReturnAddress(
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.runThread(
02:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Using shaders with Skinning
02:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Using dynamic shaders
02:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Using Uniform Buffer Object (UBO)
02:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Using Async Vertex Cache
02:48:08 INFO ge - GUI - Emulator paused - cancelling current list id=0
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(01-02-2019, 08:15 AM) DragonNeos Wrote: This homebrew application was tested with revision af141989. JPCSP immediately crashes after trying to load this application.This should now be fixed in f0d8d8b.
This homebrew has a small bug, only visible with Jpcsp
. It has to be run with the option "Ignore unmapped imports" to workaround the bug (or press "Run" again when Jpcsp pauses)
Always include a complete log file at INFO level in your reports. Thanks! How to post a log
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Log_rdd35857f(64bit) (Size: 122.36 KB / Downloads: 201)
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The missing file/directory entries should now be displayed in 78fad7e
Always include a complete log file at INFO level in your reports. Thanks! How to post a log
Posts: 591
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Joined: Dec 2011
On revision 9ee96545, when I select a game from any folder (GAME/ISO/POPS), the game attempts to load before going back to the selection screen:
02:40:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/gameselector.png flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/gBootActivator.bin flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:39 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = ms0:/PSP/GAME/CyanogenPSP/system/app/game/boot/gBootActivator.bin flags = 1 permissions = 0666
02:40:41 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/gamebg.png flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:41 INFO stderr - user_main - libpng warning:
02:40:41 INFO stderr - user_main - Incorrect sBIT chunk length
02:40:41 INFO stderr - user_main -
02:40:42 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/gameselector.png flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/0.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/1.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/2.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/3.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/4.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/5.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/6.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/7.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:44 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/8.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/9.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/10.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/11.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/12.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/13.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x0898F4BC, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x1B, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, list=0x0898E020, pc=0x0898F4BC, stall=0x0898F4BC, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/14.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x0898F4BC, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x1B, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, list=0x0898E020, pc=0x0898F4BC, stall=0x0898F4BC, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
02:40:45 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x0898F4BC, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x1B, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, list=0x0898E020, pc=0x0898F4BC, stall=0x0898F4BC, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
02:40:45 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x0898F4BC, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x1B, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, list=0x0898E020, pc=0x0898F4BC, stall=0x0898F4BC, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
02:40:45 ERROR ge - GUI - Waiting too long on stall address 0x0898F4BC, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x1B, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, list=0x0898E020, pc=0x0898F4BC, stall=0x0898F4BC, cbid=0x0, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
02:40:45 ERROR ge - GUI - Aborting current list processing due to too many errors
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/15.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/16.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/17.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/18.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:45 INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - user_main - hleIoOpen filename = system/app/game/boot/19.gif flags = 1 permissions = 0777
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B1C [0xBC939DC1] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - Registers: $a0=0x00000003, $a1=0xDEADBEEF, $a2=0xDEADBEEF, $a3=0xDEADBEEF
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - $t0=0xDEADBEEF, $t1=0xDEADBEEF, $t2=0xDEADBEEF, $t3=0xDEADBEEF
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - $ra=0x0880DA34, $sp=0x0BFBEC88
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - Caller code:
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9D4:[8FB00028]: lw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9D8:[03E00008]: jr $ra
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9DC:[27BD0030]: addiu $sp, $sp, 48
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9E0:[27BDFFD0]: addiu $sp, $sp, -48
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9E4:[24020024]: addiu $v0, $zr, 36 <=> li $v0, 36
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9E8:[24030021]: addiu $v1, $zr, 33 <=> li $v1, 33
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9EC:[AFA20000]: sw $v0, 0($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F0:[AFA30004]: sw $v1, 4($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F4:[3C02088A]: lui $v0, 0x088A <=> li $v0, 0x088A0000
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F8:[3C03088A]: lui $v1, 0x088A <=> li $v1, 0x088A0000
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9FC:[24423D9C]: addiu $v0, $v0, 15772
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA00:[24634E4C]: addiu $v1, $v1, 20044
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA04:[AFB00028]: sw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA08:[00808021]: addu $s0, $a0, $zr <=> move $s0, $a0
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA0C:[24040003]: addiu $a0, $zr, 3 <=> li $a0, 3
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA10:[AFBF002C]: sw $ra, 44($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA14:[AFA20008]: sw $v0, 8($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA18:[AFA3000C]: sw $v1, 12($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA1C:[AFA00010]: sw $zr, 16($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA20:[AFA00014]: sw $zr, 20($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA24:[AFA00018]: sw $zr, 24($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA28:[AFA0001C]: sw $zr, 28($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - > 0x0880DA2C:[0E228AC7]: jal 0x088A2B1C [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB1C]
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA30:[AFA00020]: sw $zr, 32($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA34:[0E228AC5]: jal 0x088A2B14 [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB14]
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA38:[02002021]: addu $a0, $s0, $zr <=> move $a0, $s0
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA3C:[02002821]: addu $a1, $s0, $zr <=> move $a1, $s0
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA40:[03A03021]: addu $a2, $sp, $zr <=> move $a2, $sp
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA44:[0E228AC3]: jal 0x088A2B0C [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB0C]
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA48:[24040123]: addiu $a0, $zr, 291 <=> li $a0, 291
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA4C:[8FBF002C]: lw $ra, 44($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA50:[8FB00028]: lw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA54:[03E00008]: jr $ra
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA58:[27BD0030]: addiu $sp, $sp, 48
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA5C:[27BDFFE0]: addiu $sp, $sp, -32
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B14 [0x5A35C948] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - Registers: $a0=0x08910303, $a1=0xDEADBEEF, $a2=0xDEADBEEF, $a3=0xDEADBEEF
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - $t0=0xDEADBEEF, $t1=0xDEADBEEF, $t2=0xDEADBEEF, $t3=0xDEADBEEF
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - $ra=0x0880DA3C, $sp=0x0BFBEC88
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - Caller code:
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9DC:[27BD0030]: addiu $sp, $sp, 48
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9E0:[27BDFFD0]: addiu $sp, $sp, -48
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9E4:[24020024]: addiu $v0, $zr, 36 <=> li $v0, 36
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9E8:[24030021]: addiu $v1, $zr, 33 <=> li $v1, 33
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9EC:[AFA20000]: sw $v0, 0($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F0:[AFA30004]: sw $v1, 4($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F4:[3C02088A]: lui $v0, 0x088A <=> li $v0, 0x088A0000
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F8:[3C03088A]: lui $v1, 0x088A <=> li $v1, 0x088A0000
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9FC:[24423D9C]: addiu $v0, $v0, 15772
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA00:[24634E4C]: addiu $v1, $v1, 20044
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA04:[AFB00028]: sw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA08:[00808021]: addu $s0, $a0, $zr <=> move $s0, $a0
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA0C:[24040003]: addiu $a0, $zr, 3 <=> li $a0, 3
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA10:[AFBF002C]: sw $ra, 44($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA14:[AFA20008]: sw $v0, 8($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA18:[AFA3000C]: sw $v1, 12($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA1C:[AFA00010]: sw $zr, 16($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA20:[AFA00014]: sw $zr, 20($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA24:[AFA00018]: sw $zr, 24($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA28:[AFA0001C]: sw $zr, 28($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA2C:[0E228AC7]: jal 0x088A2B1C [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB1C]
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA30:[AFA00020]: sw $zr, 32($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - > 0x0880DA34:[0E228AC5]: jal 0x088A2B14 [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB14]
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA38:[02002021]: addu $a0, $s0, $zr <=> move $a0, $s0
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA3C:[02002821]: addu $a1, $s0, $zr <=> move $a1, $s0
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA40:[03A03021]: addu $a2, $sp, $zr <=> move $a2, $sp
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA44:[0E228AC3]: jal 0x088A2B0C [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB0C]
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA48:[24040123]: addiu $a0, $zr, 291 <=> li $a0, 291
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA4C:[8FBF002C]: lw $ra, 44($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA50:[8FB00028]: lw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA54:[03E00008]: jr $ra
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA58:[27BD0030]: addiu $sp, $sp, 48
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA5C:[27BDFFE0]: addiu $sp, $sp, -32
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA60:[AFB60018]: sw $s6, 24($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA64:[AFB50014]: sw $s5, 20($sp)
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - Memory at $a0:
0x08910303 6D 73 30 3A 2F 49 53 4F 2F 46 69 6E 61 6C 20 46 >ms0:/ISO/Final F<
0x08910313 61 6E 74 61 73 79 2E 49 53 4F 00 61 7A 69 6C 69 >antasy.ISO.azili<
0x08910323 61 6E 2D 50 6F 72 74 75 67 75 65 73 65 00 00 00 >an-Portuguese...<
0x08910333 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >................<
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B0C [0x2D10FB28] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Registers: $a0=0x00000123, $a1=0x08910303, $a2=0x0BFBEC88, $a3=0xDEADBEEF
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - $t0=0xDEADBEEF, $t1=0xDEADBEEF, $t2=0xDEADBEEF, $t3=0xDEADBEEF
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - $ra=0x0880DA4C, $sp=0x0BFBEC88
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Caller code:
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9EC:[AFA20000]: sw $v0, 0($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F0:[AFA30004]: sw $v1, 4($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F4:[3C02088A]: lui $v0, 0x088A <=> li $v0, 0x088A0000
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9F8:[3C03088A]: lui $v1, 0x088A <=> li $v1, 0x088A0000
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880D9FC:[24423D9C]: addiu $v0, $v0, 15772
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA00:[24634E4C]: addiu $v1, $v1, 20044
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA04:[AFB00028]: sw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA08:[00808021]: addu $s0, $a0, $zr <=> move $s0, $a0
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA0C:[24040003]: addiu $a0, $zr, 3 <=> li $a0, 3
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA10:[AFBF002C]: sw $ra, 44($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA14:[AFA20008]: sw $v0, 8($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA18:[AFA3000C]: sw $v1, 12($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA1C:[AFA00010]: sw $zr, 16($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA20:[AFA00014]: sw $zr, 20($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA24:[AFA00018]: sw $zr, 24($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA28:[AFA0001C]: sw $zr, 28($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA2C:[0E228AC7]: jal 0x088A2B1C [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB1C]
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA30:[AFA00020]: sw $zr, 32($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA34:[0E228AC5]: jal 0x088A2B14 [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB14]
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA38:[02002021]: addu $a0, $s0, $zr <=> move $a0, $s0
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA3C:[02002821]: addu $a1, $s0, $zr <=> move $a1, $s0
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA40:[03A03021]: addu $a2, $sp, $zr <=> move $a2, $sp
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - > 0x0880DA44:[0E228AC3]: jal 0x088A2B0C [CyanogenPSP.sub_0009EB0C]
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA48:[24040123]: addiu $a0, $zr, 291 <=> li $a0, 291
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA4C:[8FBF002C]: lw $ra, 44($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA50:[8FB00028]: lw $s0, 40($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA54:[03E00008]: jr $ra
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA58:[27BD0030]: addiu $sp, $sp, 48
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA5C:[27BDFFE0]: addiu $sp, $sp, -32
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA60:[AFB60018]: sw $s6, 24($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA64:[AFB50014]: sw $s5, 20($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA68:[AFBF001C]: sw $ra, 28($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA6C:[0080A821]: addu $s5, $a0, $zr <=> move $s5, $a0
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA70:[AFB40010]: sw $s4, 16($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - 0x0880DA74:[AFB3000C]: sw $s3, 12($sp)
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Memory at $a1:
0x08910303 6D 73 30 3A 2F 49 53 4F 2F 46 69 6E 61 6C 20 46 >ms0:/ISO/Final F<
0x08910313 61 6E 74 61 73 79 2E 49 53 4F 00 61 7A 69 6C 69 >antasy.ISO.azili<
0x08910323 61 6E 2D 50 6F 72 74 75 67 75 65 73 65 00 00 00 >an-Portuguese...<
0x08910333 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >................<
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Memory at $a2:
0x0BFBEC88 24 00 00 00 21 00 00 00 9C 3D 8A 08 4C 4E 8A 08 >$...!....=..LN..<
0x0BFBEC98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 >................<
0x0BFBECA8 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 08 19 03 91 08 28 DE 80 08 >............(...<
0x0BFBECB8 54 D4 8E 08 0C E3 8E 08 28 20 98 08 00 00 8F 08 >T.......( ......<
Attached Files
Log_r9ee96545(64bit)_INFO.7z (Size: 84.77 KB / Downloads: 191)
Posts: 2,420
Threads: 30
Joined: Dec 2009
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B1C [0xBC939DC1] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B14 [0x5A35C948] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B0C [0x2D10FB28] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
OK, this homebrew is calling 3 CFW functions (sctrlSESetBootConfFileIndex, sctrlSESetUmdFile and sctrlKernelLoadExecVSHWithApitype), that need to be implemented...
02:40:00 WARN loader - GUI - Failed to map import at 0x088A2B24 [0x1DDDAD0C] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser'(attempt 1)
02:40:00 WARN loader - GUI - Failed to map import at 0x088A2B2C [0x16C3B7EE] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser'(attempt 1)
sctrlSESetConfig and sctrlSEGetConfig are also used at some other place.
Always include a complete log file at INFO level in your reports. Thanks! How to post a log
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(02-07-2019, 06:50 PM) gid15 Wrote: Code:
02:40:53 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B1C [0xBC939DC1] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:55 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B14 [0x5A35C948] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
02:40:56 ERROR hle - user_main - Unmapped import at 0x088A2B0C [0x2D10FB28] Module 'SystemCtrlForUser':
OK, this homebrew is calling 3 CFW functions (sctrlSESetBootConfFileIndex, sctrlSESetUmdFile and sctrlKernelLoadExecVSHWithApitype), that need to be implemented...Those functions are now implemented in 2cce01f
Always include a complete log file at INFO level in your reports. Thanks! How to post a log
Posts: 591
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Joined: Dec 2011
I can confirm that games do load when they are selected on the application with revision b576a0ef.
However, large games in EBOOT.PBP format (e.g. Final Fantasy Type-0 Trial [Zeroshiki]) don't seem to load:
23:30:06 ERROR emu - user_main - Error while reading a complete vFile
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at jpcsp.util.Utilities.readCompleteFile(
at jpcsp.HLE.modules.LoadExecForUser.hleKernelLoadExec(
at jpcsp.HLE.modules.SystemCtrlForKernel.sctrlKernelLoadExecVSHWithApitype(
at _S1_2_0x088A2B0C.s(
at _S1_2_0x0880D8F0.s(
at _S1_2_0x0880DA5C.s(
at _S1_2_0x0880E224.s(
at _S1_2_0x0880E324.s(
at _S1_2_0x0880E400.s(
at _S1_2_0x08804AE4.s(
at _S1_2_0x08810528.s(
at _S1_2_0x08810C84.s(
at _S1_2_0x08805D00.s(
at _S1_2_0x08811568.s(
at _S1_2_0x08804000.s(
at _S1_2_0x08804000.exec(
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.execWithReturnAddress(
at jpcsp.Allegrex.compiler.RuntimeContext.runThread(
The following issue isn't attributed to CyanogenPSP v6.1, but since I was using this application when the issue occurred, I thought I would post it here:
When loading Final Fantasy (without any SAVEDATA) or attempting to save, an error appears on the log (with Firmware Files):
20:09:00 ERROR memory - ScePafJob - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0801AE00
21:05:40 ERROR memory - ScePafJob - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0800F400
Without Firmware Files:
16:43:47 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:50 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:50 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:51 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:51 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:51 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:51 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:52 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:52 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:52 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:52 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:53 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:53 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:43:53 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:29 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:34 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:35 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:35 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:36 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:36 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:36 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:36 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:37 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:37 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:37 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:37 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:38 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:38 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:38 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
16:48:38 ERROR memory - user_main - getBuffer - Invalid memory address: 0x00000000 PC=0x0893BBA8
Attached Files
Log_rb576a0ef(64bit)_INFO (Loading Large EBOOT.PBP).7z (Size: 78.32 KB / Downloads: 197)
Log_rb576a0ef(64bit)_INFO (with Firmware Files).7z (Size: 133.95 KB / Downloads: 213)
Log_rb576a0ef(64bit)_INFO (without Firmware Files).7z (Size: 82.29 KB / Downloads: 197)