Basically it gives me an error saying something like "thread on ps_main" or "thread on GUI", not sure what it means.
The freezing happens usually when i am at the shopping or if i enter into a room/city/dungeon too much. The black screen that happens during the load of a different room will not go away, however if i open the menu i can hear the sound, it's like the game is not frozen but i can't see anything.
I will add the Saving ge and change the Xss2 to Xss8, the rest was already enabled as default.
Enabling the Saving Ge to texture stop the game from running smoothly
After i changed Xss2m to Xss8m i still recieve the same error which is:
Exception in thread ps_main
Exception: java_lang.outofmemoryError thrown from the uncaughtExceptionHnalder in thread ps_main
The freezing happens usually when i am at the shopping or if i enter into a room/city/dungeon too much. The black screen that happens during the load of a different room will not go away, however if i open the menu i can hear the sound, it's like the game is not frozen but i can't see anything.
I will add the Saving ge and change the Xss2 to Xss8, the rest was already enabled as default.
Enabling the Saving Ge to texture stop the game from running smoothly
After i changed Xss2m to Xss8m i still recieve the same error which is:
Exception in thread ps_main
Exception: java_lang.outofmemoryError thrown from the uncaughtExceptionHnalder in thread ps_main