Tried revisions 2754, 2684, 2836 and 3407, none come as far as into the first town.
The logfile just keeps filling, so while I'm not sure how much that would help, I could generate a few tomorrow, if anyone tells me how long I should let it hang around frozen before terminating it.
I'll try to get into the SVN this weekend to compile and try 2463 which was mentioned to be working.
The error nash67 mentioned did not occur for me in r3607, but all earlier ones I've tried.
The logfile just keeps filling, so while I'm not sure how much that would help, I could generate a few tomorrow, if anyone tells me how long I should let it hang around frozen before terminating it.
I'll try to get into the SVN this weekend to compile and try 2463 which was mentioned to be working.
The error nash67 mentioned did not occur for me in r3607, but all earlier ones I've tried.