Nice work!
Here is a SS with menu + intro video.
Also, full screen movies are working, but couldnt make a full screen SShot cos it only take the "windowed mode" part (look at the 2ยบ SS).
Now, going to test the audio thing.
Ok, so i picked a random at3 file from crisis core atrac folder and converted it using himdrenderer + sonic stage.
This is the result:
Here is a SS with menu + intro video.
Also, full screen movies are working, but couldnt make a full screen SShot cos it only take the "windowed mode" part (look at the 2ยบ SS).
Now, going to test the audio thing.
Ok, so i picked a random at3 file from crisis core atrac folder and converted it using himdrenderer + sonic stage.
This is the result: