01-06-2016, 04:21 PM
Goes to menus on recent master build with OGL renderer, and crashes on video playback after starting new game. Graphics is very broken. Requires to boot directly GOW1.self or GOW2.self, and libSre LLE'd.
E {SPU[0x33] Thread (BP_MiscCellSpursKernel0)[0x02c28]} Exception: Unknown/illegal channel (ch=1 [$SPU_WrEventMask], value=0x2)
(in file Emu\Cell\SPUThread.cpp:1156, in function SPUThread::set_ch_value)
Please report this to the developers.
E {PPU Thread[0xbb] (VideoDecoder[0xba] Thread)[0x00000000]} Exception: avcodec_open2() failed (err=0xffffffea, opts=0)
(in file Emu\SysCalls\Modules\cellVdec.cpp:340, in function vdecOpen::<lambda_9992141e4b0248d73b84600cc6f6aa4e>::operator ())
Please report this to the developers.