(06-21-2010, 02:52 AM)RebeccaMaguire Wrote: Hello,
I just downloaded the JPCSP version 0.3 and I seem to be getting this error message when I try to run FF: Crisis Core
1491105 [user_main] ERROR memory - read32 - Invalid memory address : 0x4 PC=0883ED44
1491573 [user_main] ERROR memory - write32 - Invalid memory address : 0x46644 PC=0883ED48
1492010 [user_main] ERROR memory - write32 - Invalid memory address : 0x4 PC=0883ED4C
Please can someone help me?
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca Maguire
Yea, go here: Automated Jpcsp Builds by Orphis and download the latest svn build and hyakki's jpcsp launcher here:http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=977
Funny thing, I spend more time on the forum instead of on emulators