03-03-2012, 01:32 PM
I guess he is using already that version, since he says that there is an option to register that file.
The code registering WavDest.dll is this one (and it should be called with administrative privileges):
If you are getting the WavDest on the same folder a the executable that's very strange, and that means that it doesn't detect system's directory or something. You can put it in any folder and run a console with administrative privileges and run "regsvr32 WavDest.dll".
Can you post here information about your computer and OS?
Which Windows Version, 32 or 64 bits, language... etc.
The code registering WavDest.dll is this one (and it should be called with administrative privileges):
var OutFile = Environment.SystemDirectory + @"\WavDest.dll";
File.WriteAllBytes(OutFile, Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("CSPspEmu.WavDest.dll").ReadAll());
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("regsvr32", String.Format(@"/s ""{0}"" ", OutFile))).WaitForExit();
catch (Exception Exception)
If you are getting the WavDest on the same folder a the executable that's very strange, and that means that it doesn't detect system's directory or something. You can put it in any folder and run a console with administrative privileges and run "regsvr32 WavDest.dll".
Can you post here information about your computer and OS?
Which Windows Version, 32 or 64 bits, language... etc.