reduce the memory usage was not really a good move for this game, so i have to edit the Bat? i dunno how to do that,
but i do menage some bugs,(cheers) since i begined a new playthough finally:
and made a list of what they look and and how to simple fix it ^^
remembering you need the original game, roms don't will work
Aqua bug: you attack the unversed(the monsters), and she miss the attacks, the attack land on random order, and the Lockshoot with her don't go, this is that same bug that "awww i have to press "o" ten times to hit a single enemy:
- caused by save bla bla to Texture instead of Memory, unset this and the hits will land, the combos will go, and the speed its great
Enemys are squares or other poligonal forms: the monsters will be polygonal forms of some sort , you can hit and beat them but they look ugly
- caused by the mini map, you have to go into the game (open menu --> Configurations---> change the minimap set to Hide"
Comand Gauge its not appearing: The command Gauge will desapear sometimes
- caused by the mini map
White Lines on Screen\Transparent char: the character most of the times Ventus its transparent, the ground its weird, or there are white lines on the screen
- caused by resizing the game, do not resize it don't work and will only trouble you
Weird ground graphical glitch accompany you, in a scary form: on the ground they will be black lines,weird shaped shadows, corruption of the ground graphics or something like this
- caused by save to texture and resizing
I can only hear da Sound! oh noes
![Sad Sad](
: you have sound but not video output
- caused by the resize filter unset him, unset the filters and put the screen x1, and go again
things that sadly are not bugs:
- The game its too slownnnnnnnn: for some reason you game feel slown...and unplayable
this is not a bug, Kingdom Hearts require a good video card, and a good bunch of memory to work properly, you will have to play with everything unseted on the video season, and the game will have to run decently , if it don't...its your pc
this post will be edited with news on the new revision since now it appears that i can edit the bat(cheers) have a look at bubleblaster until i return
danm this skill
i returned with good news for everyone
lets get going
more bugs solved:
- my save don't work: you can't load a save from a older revision in the newest ones for some reason
begin a new game and it will work
- i can't pass Aqua vs Ventus spar in the tutorial in new revisions: beginning in some new revisions the tutorial is broken and you can't transmigrate your saves since the game gives you an error, and changing the memory usage in the launcher don't help this
make a save in a older revision(like before 2100), all of them can pass the tutorials, play all the way to the first save point, close you emulador, go in Ms0--->PSP--->Savedata, take Kingdom hearts save...., now open revision 2159 and put the save there, you can't load you save...that's normal, so selec "begin new game" the game you question if you want to skip the tutorial, select "yes", and you will jump directly to the screen were you select you characters and skip the bug
- my game have no sound: the game display videos but no sounds
its a problem with the sonic stage thingo
- the infamous command board bug, reports bug and deep space bug: when you open the command board and try to play a mini game you received and error message that scared the life out of you
download 2159 the bugs are solved in this revision, and that's all, the game seen playable, if i run into something else i will post it