(09-09-2014, 02:14 PM)AlexAltea Wrote: I wanted to do this last month (and other stuff like BD decryption and the new website), but some real-life issues have spoiled my plans so I don't have time to work on this on my own. All I can do for now is explaining to other people how to these syscalls work and giving advices about how to implement.
Ooh, no problem. I hope, you will be able to solve your problems in the near future.
See you later
With recent builds, Portal 2 now properly boots. Loading libsysmodule.sprx is required to get around the yellow triangle. However, it seems like libnet is needed to progress further:
E {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (CIPCServer::m_ThreadClient) [0x00102388]} libnet: Unknown/illegal socket error: 10049
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\Cell\Modules\sys_net.cpp:207)
E {PPU[0x1000008] Thread (CIPCServer::m_ThreadClient) [0x00102388]} libnet: connect(): error 6304
in that lle-gcm build, if you will also load "libnet" lle module then you can see the menu. (controls don't working...idk what's goin on, because of green rectagle)
(07-07-2017, 07:42 PM)Darkriot Wrote: in that lle-gcm build, if you will also load "libnet" lle module then you can see the menu. (controls don't working...idk what's goin on, because of green rectagle)