Sorry it's taken so long to reply; right when I was going to reply we went out to dinner.
Quote:I can't believe it, it's not even remotely illegal here! People SELL pirated DVDs and then people buy them...Quote:it happens in all poor/developing countries (happens here too).
Sorry, didn't know that. Thought it was just Ecuador or something. What country do you live in, if it's any of my business?
Quote:Are there any good plugins I should get for my PSP that do things I obviously couldn't anyway?
Quote:also if you're not adverse to cheating, cwcheat's a good plugin (and you can use it to read walkthroughs and other faqs while ingame). popsloader is good too, you can use it to convert your ps1 game rips into psp executables, and play your favorites on the psp without having to buy them the second time from psn, or not being able to because they aren't sold in your region or were never released for psn.
Meh, I don't really use cheats much, as the games I play are usually within beatable limits; if you can't, just grab a couple of levels (although I really am having a hard time defeating this boss in Birth By Sleep on easy mode............something in the Arena, and in Birth By Sleep, leveling is wayyyyy harder than, say, Kingdom Hearts (the original game). Once you got to level 80, and had Ultima Weapon, just go fight Sephiroth; you get a level each time you defeat him. No such thing in Birth By Sleep; the bosses don't give EXP.
As for PopsLoader, I'd LOVE to use that, if it worked right for me -_- I used one program (I think it was RS-GUI PopStationMD or something like that), and PopsLoader, and Final Fantasy VII would load, and then I'd click "New Game" and then it would go into an indefinite black screen. Never could get past that. Searched all over the web, too; couldn't find anything to help me with my problem. So I really just gave up on that (especially since that 3 disc game not only took a LONG time to compile, but then it would take a long time to transfer to memory stick, and then a lot of memory would be used on my card). Although I'd really LOVE to make it work, not sure there's anything I can do about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Quote:You can also use cxmb,a plugin that lets you install different themes.Or battwarn,a plugin that lets you know when you don't have much battery.Music.prx is a plugin that makes listening to your music while in a game possible,however some of the songs I had didn't play well
Eh, I don't do much with themes; I like that picture in my picture on the first page a lot

Although I'd love to make this software work, that lets you make your own custom logos/icons and everything, the only problem is that the color depth has to be so low, you can see really jagged edges; I can't find a way around that.
Battwarn sounds good, I might give it a try. I wish that when pressing the home button, you could see a PERCENTAGE and not just the bar icons in the battery.
The games I play, the music is so good I don't need to listen to more RPG music in-game

But thanks for all the suggestions.
Quote:in some countries piracy is not a crime
and there is nothing called >legal>
either you buy pirated game, dvd, programs or you have nothing !!!!
Actually, in Ecuador, theft is not considered a crime, so why should piracy be (using "logical" Ecuadorian thinking here)? Seriously, if somebody walked up to me and stole everything on me, that wouldn't be illegal. That's a load of bs because then the Ecuadorians target the Americans (a LOT of Americans are moving here; if you can't guess why, watch the news), and they steal thousands of dollars worth of stuff from us each year, if not each month. Then they also assault us as well. (Fortunately neither have directly happened to me; although in the airport, my brother's laptop disappeared...)
As for buying the game pirated or not, I still buy my games, even though I live in Ecuador. What prevents Ecuadorians from doing so? Well for one thing, why buy a game for $10 or $20 when you could buy one for $1? Also, most of the Ecuadorians...even some of the wealthier ones...don't have online accounts, or any kind of credit card even. I'm only 16 years old (er half a month away from 17 lol) and I have a debit card, connected with an online account. So I can order anything I want off of the internet, while people here can barely use the internet (it's so SLOW, even on our expensive plan), and don't have anything they could order with. As for shipping, well it's nothing short of a nightmare. If you ship it straight to the P.O. Box (which, most online vendors, especially Amazon, won't even ship to Ecuador, let alone a P.O. Box), it could take over a MONTH to get it, and you know that it didn't take 2 weeks to get to Ecuador. Then, if whatever you bought weighs over 8 pounds, or if it's a total of over $400, then you have to pay duty on it; which they say is 35%, but everybody knows you're lucky if you get it for that low. One person had a box full of their own store bought CDs shipped here, and they had to either pay $300 (it was either $300 or $200, but I think the former) or have it shipped back to the return address. But they wouldn't have been able to get those in Ecuador, especially not legal versions. And if you ship through a freight forwarder, well it costs a lot less, and it goes a lot faster, but it can still be a hassle, and even after they tell you it's arrived in Ecuador, it can still take up to a whole week to get to the Post Office, even though it's only 2 hours away from where it was delivered. Not to mention the Post Office is closed half the time during "business" hours. So the moral of the story is, I'd rather support the people (that is, the makers, not the Ecuadorians with pirated discs) than buy pirated content, or download it. I really like my physical copies, and that's something that can't be copied to another UMD

As we speak, I have games being shipped to me; just hoping they all get to me.
Quote:Which countries?
Pretty much what Shin X said, and South American countries are included. Pretty much, just third world countries (although some Americans swear this is a fourth-world
If you read down this far, congrats! you are a rock star. You may have also learned something about a foreign country.