12-05-2010, 07:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-05-2010, 07:07 PM by BlackDaemon.)
Missing/wrongly_displayed menus elements, completely missing ingame graphics.
Running with dynarec compiler (log level set to INFO)
Compability options used: None
1790 [GUI] INFO emu - Jpcsp v0.6 1881
1800 [GUI] INFO emu - UMD param.sfo :
REGION = 32768
probably homebrew? false
1800 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 282
1810 [GUI] INFO emu - Loading global compatibility settings
1810 [GUI] INFO ge - Only GE Graphics: false
1830 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio ChReserve disabled: false
1830 [GUI] INFO hle.sceAudio - Audio Blocking disabled: false
1830 [GUI] INFO hle.ThreadManForUser - Audio threads disabled: false
1830 [GUI] INFO memory - Ignore invalid memory access: false
1840 [GUI] DEBUG emu - No patch file found for this game
1940 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - RuntimeContext.reset
2030 [GUI] DEBUG hle - Loading HLE firmware up to version 282
2040 [GUI] DEBUG emu - Loader: Relocation required (PRX)
2040 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#0: loading program 08804000 - 08DEE098 - 08DEE098
2080 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH#1: loading program 08DEE098 - 08DF087C - 08E02E98
2080 [GUI] DEBUG memory - PH alloc consumption 005FEE98 (mem 0001261C)
2090 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .bss: clearing section 08DF0880 - 08E02E98 (len 00012618)
2090 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.init: relocating 2 entries
2090 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.text: relocating 289850 entries
2140 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.fini: relocating 1 entries
2140 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.ent: relocating 1 entries
2140 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.lib.stub: relocating 78 entries
2140 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceModuleInfo: relocating 4 entries
2140 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata.sceResident: relocating 5 entries
2140 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.rodata: relocating 8409 entries
2150 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.data: relocating 649 entries
2150 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.eh_frame: relocating 1127 entries
2150 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.gcc_except_table: relocating 2 entries
2150 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.ctors: relocating 41 entries
2150 [GUI] DEBUG memory - .rel.dtors: relocating 29 entries
2150 [GUI] INFO emu - Found ModuleInfo name:'kapowsystems' version:0101 attr:00000000 gp:00000000
2150 [GUI] DEBUG memory - Reserving 0x5FEE98 bytes at 0x08804000 for module 'disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/BOOT.BIN'
2150 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x5FEE98, addr=0x08804000: returns 0x08804000
2150 [GUI] INFO emu - Found 194 imports from 26 modules
2150 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start found: nid=0xD632ACDB, function=0x08CFE368
2150 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop found: nid=0xCEE8593C, function=0x08CFE700
2150 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_info found: nid=0xF01D73A7, addr=0x08D99150
2150 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_start_thread_parameter found: nid=0x0F7C276C, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
2150 [GUI] DEBUG emu - module_stop_thread_parameter found: nid=0xCF0CC697, priority=32, stacksize=1024, attr=0x80000000
2150 [GUI] INFO emu - 194 NIDS mapped
2160 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=1, type=PSP_SMEM_Addr, size=0x4000, addr=0x08800000: returns 0x08800000
2220 [GUI] DEBUG hle.SysMemUserForUser - malloc partition=2, type=PSP_SMEM_High, size=0x400, addr=0x00000000: returns 0x09FFFC00
2220 [GUI] DEBUG runtime - Switching to Thread root
2230 [GUI] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - pspiofilemgr - filepath disc0/
2250 [GUI] INFO ge - Using RenderingEngineLwjgl31
2250 [GUI] INFO ge - OpenGL version: 4.1.0
2250 [GUI] INFO ge - Shading Language version: 4.10 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
2250 [GUI] INFO ge - GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS; 0x0
2260 [GUI] INFO ge - Using VBO
2260 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 1
2260 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=2880, buffer size=2880, usage=6
2270 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 2
2270 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=8388608, buffer size=8388608, usage=0
2280 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 3
2280 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=8388608, buffer size=8388608, usage=0
2290 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 4
2290 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=64, buffer size=64, usage=6
2290 [GUI] DEBUG ge - genTexture
2290 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindTexture 1
2290 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexImage level=0, internalFormat=3, 512x512, format=3, type=3, textureSize=0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMinFilter 0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMagFilter 0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMaxLevel 0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 1, 1
2300 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - start display
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT1
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT2
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT3
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDisplay
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setViewport x=0, y=0, width=480, height=272
2300 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - rendering the FB 0x04000000
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindTexture 1
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setPixelStore rowLength=512, alignment=3
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexSubImage level=0, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, width=512, height=272, format=3, type=3, textureSize=557056
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_DEPTH_TEST
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_BLEND
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_ALPHA_TEST
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_FOG
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHTING
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_STENCIL_TEST
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_CULL_FACE
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_SCISSOR_TEST
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMinFilter 0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMagFilter 0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMaxLevel 0
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 1, 1
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setDepthMask disabled
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=3 ALPHA
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=1
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace clockwise
2300 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBones count=0
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,004 0,000 0,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 -0,007 0,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 0,000 -1,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix -1,000 1,000 -0,000 1,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDirectRendering texture=true, depth=false, color=true, ortho=true, inverted=false, 480x272
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 0
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 1
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 2
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 3
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 4
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexCoordPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=0
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setVertexPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=8
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=64, buffer size=64, usage=6
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - drawArrays type=7, first=0, count=4
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=12
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=0
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 0, 0
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace counter-clockwise
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDirectRendering
2310 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDisplay
2310 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - end display
2330 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - start display
2330 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT0
2330 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT1
2330 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT2
2330 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHT3
2330 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDisplay
2330 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setViewport x=0, y=0, width=480, height=272
2340 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - rendering the FB 0x04000000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindTexture 1
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setPixelStore rowLength=512, alignment=3
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexSubImage level=0, xOffset=0, yOffset=0, width=512, height=272, format=3, type=3, textureSize=557056
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_DEPTH_TEST
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_BLEND
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_ALPHA_TEST
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_FOG
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_LIGHTING
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_COLOR_LOGIC_OP
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_STENCIL_TEST
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_CULL_FACE
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_SCISSOR_TEST
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMinFilter 0
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMagFilter 0
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMipmapMaxLevel 0
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 1, 1
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setDepthMask disabled
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=3 ALPHA
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=1
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace clockwise
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBones count=0
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,004 0,000 0,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 -0,007 0,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix 0,000 0,000 -1,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setProjectionMatrix -1,000 1,000 -0,000 1,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setModelViewMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 1,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 1,000 0,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 1,000 0,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMatrix 0,000 0,000 0,000 1,000
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - startDirectRendering texture=true, depth=false, color=true, ortho=true, inverted=false, 480x272
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 0
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 1
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableClientState 2
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - enableClientState 3
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - bindBuffer 0, 4
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTexCoordPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=0
2340 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setVertexPointer size=2, type=6, stride=16, offset=8
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setBufferData target=0, size=64, buffer size=64, usage=6
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - drawArrays type=7, first=0, count=4
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - disableFlag GU_TEXTURE_2D
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureFunc func=12
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureMapMode mode=0, proj=0
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setTextureWrapMode 0, 0
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - setFrontFace counter-clockwise
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDirectRendering
2350 [GUI] DEBUG ge - endDisplay
2350 [GUI] DEBUG hle.sceDisplay - sceDisplay.paintGL - end display
Compability options used: None
3230 [Emu] INFO runtime - Using Compiler
3313 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D06FC4 by Native Code 'strlen'
3316 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D06040 by Native Code 'memset'
3351 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D1454C by Native Code 'nop'
3356 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088076D4 by Native Code 'nop'
3419 [user_main] INFO stdout - HeapStart = 0x8e13000, HeapSize = 0x10f1600, HeapEnd = 0x9f04600
3435 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088422E0 by Native Code 'nop'
3459 [ExitThread] INFO hle.LoadExecForUser - sceKernelRegisterExitCallback SceUID=13
3472 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadNetModule(module=0x0001) PSP_NET_MODULE_COMMON
3473 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadNetModule(module=0x0002) PSP_NET_MODULE_ADHOC
3519 [user_main] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/configpsp.txt flags = 1 permissions = 0666
3575 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/script_config.txt' umd file not found
3580 [user_main] WARN hle.IoFileMgrForUser - stat - 'PSP_GAME/USRDIR/profile.txt' umd file not found
3587 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D42B6C by Native Code 'nop'
3588 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0889F258 by Native Code 'nop'
3721 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D06DB8 by Native Code 'strchr'
4104 [PowerListener] INFO hle.scePower - scePowerRegisterCallback slot=-1 SceUID=1c
4109 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeSequence at 0x08824568-0x08824574 by Native Code 'bzeroSequence'
4132 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadAvModule(module=0x0001) PSP_AV_MODULE_SASCORE
4133 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadAvModule(module=0x0000) PSP_AV_MODULE_AVCODEC
4134 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadAvModule(module=0x0002) PSP_AV_MODULE_ATRAC3PLUS
4145 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasInit
4150 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - IGNORING:sceUtilityLoadAvModule(module=0x0003) PSP_AV_MODULE_MPEGBASE
4156 [user_main] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORED:hleKernelLoadModule(path='disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/module/psmf.prx'): module from banlist not loaded
4158 [user_main] WARN hle.ModuleMgrForUser - IGNORING:sceKernelStartModule flash module 'psmf'
4164 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D348D8 by Native Code 'nop'
4205 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VSCX: coordX=0
4205 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VSCY: coordY=0
4206 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VSCZ: coordZ=0
4206 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VTCS: coordS=0.0
4206 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VTCT: coordT=0.0
4206 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VTCQ: coordQ=0.0
4206 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VCV: colorR=0, colorG=0, colorB=0
4206 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VAP: alpha=0, prim_type=0
4207 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VFC: fog=0
4207 [GUI] WARN ge - Unimplemented VSCV: colorR2=0, colorG2=0, colorB2=0
4299 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8CF67E0 (4815/3000)
4364 [user_main] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/assets00.naz flags = 1 permissions = 0666
4475 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0884796C by Native Code 'nop'
4476 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08847974 by Native Code 'nop'
4504 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08848D58 by Native Code 'nop'
4653 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08849948 by Native Code 'nop'
4686 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8C36598 (14114/3000)
6362 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D2070C by Native Code 'nop'
6363 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D20714 by Native Code 'nop'
6851 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08833140 by Native Code 'nop'
7151 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D430F8 by Native Code 'nop'
7161 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BBAC by Native Code 'nop'
7243 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D7988C by Native Code 'nop'
7300 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D29A28 by Native Code 'nop'
7323 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0885A0B4 by Native Code 'nop'
7330 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D52444 by Native Code 'nop'
7364 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D518F8 by Native Code 'nop'
7364 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D6E8DC by Native Code 'nop'
7453 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D6F900 by Native Code 'nop'
7684 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C58C by Native Code 'nop'
7685 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C4C0 by Native Code 'nop'
7685 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C4DC by Native Code 'nop'
7686 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C4EC by Native Code 'nop'
7686 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C4FC by Native Code 'nop'
7687 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C50C by Native Code 'nop'
7687 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C528 by Native Code 'nop'
7688 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C544 by Native Code 'nop'
7688 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C554 by Native Code 'nop'
7689 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C564 by Native Code 'nop'
7689 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C574 by Native Code 'nop'
7727 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D78414 by Native Code 'nop'
7936 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BC3C by Native Code 'nop'
7968 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BAC8 by Native Code 'nop'
8086 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088CDDC0 by Native Code 'nop'
8524 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8B33090 (3317/3000)
8615 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B3734 by Native Code 'nop'
8615 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B373C by Native Code 'nop'
8616 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B3744 by Native Code 'nop'
8616 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B374C by Native Code 'nop'
9189 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BBB4 by Native Code 'nop'
9751 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BB7C by Native Code 'nop'
9753 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D7A9DC by Native Code 'nop'
9753 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3DCF8 by Native Code 'nop'
9754 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C644 by Native Code 'nop'
9754 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D75664 by Native Code 'nop'
9755 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D71D0C by Native Code 'nop'
9755 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D5755C by Native Code 'nop'
9755 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D7A15C by Native Code 'nop'
9757 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C7EC by Native Code 'nop'
9757 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3C8A8 by Native Code 'nop'
9783 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D69314 by Native Code 'nop'
9812 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D709B0 by Native Code 'nop'
9812 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D63E68 by Native Code 'nop'
9813 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3F9D8 by Native Code 'nop'
9906 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0881CC1C by Native Code 'nop'
10032 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_89C428C (3899/3000)
10054 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_89C428C (3899/2250)
10128 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BBBC by Native Code 'nop'
10292 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasInit
10335 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08894084 by Native Code 'nop'
10346 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08844CD0 by Native Code 'nop'
11050 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08895458 by Native Code 'nop'
11353 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0880D214 by Native Code 'nop'
11432 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8BB5E64 (4349/3000)
11582 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_8BAF7A8 (3068/3000)
11684 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883ECB4 by Native Code 'nop'
11715 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088407BC by Native Code 'nop'
11720 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883F8B4 by Native Code 'nop'
12240 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08DF68C0, mode=11, gameName=ULUS10216, saveName=DATA*, fileName=SECURE.BIN
12492 [user_main] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegInit
12497 [AsyncFileManager] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/assets00.naz flags = 1 permissions = 00
12523 [user_main] INFO hle.scePsmf - scePsmfSetPsmf (psmf=0x9fff0c0 buffer_addr=0x8e4d1b0)
13493 [user_main] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegFinish
13631 [user_main] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegInit
13632 [AsyncFileManager] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/assets00.naz flags = 1 permissions = 00
13654 [user_main] INFO hle.scePsmf - scePsmfSetPsmf (psmf=0x9fff0c0 buffer_addr=0x8e4d1b0)
14381 [user_main] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegFinish
14646 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08DF68C0, mode=11, gameName=ULUS10216, saveName=DATA*, fileName=SECURE.BIN
15012 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08DF68C0, mode=8, gameName=ULUS10216, saveName=, fileName=SECURE.BIN
16028 [user_main] INFO hle.sceUtility - sceUtilitySavedataInitStart Address 0x08DF68C0, mode=4, gameName=ULUS10216, saveName=, fileName=SECURE.BIN
18481 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088150DC by Native Code 'nop'
20608 [AsyncFileManager] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/assets00.naz flags = 1 permissions = 00
20609 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D32C64 by Native Code 'nop'
20658 [Sound] INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - hleAtracSetData atracID=30, bufferSize=0x6f0, fileSize=0x2a2980
21904 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x0883A690 by Native Code 'nop'
21906 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D32C6C by Native Code 'nop'
22032 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasInit
22093 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08833148 by Native Code 'nop'
22099 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D3BAD0 by Native Code 'nop'
22530 [user_main] INFO hle.sceSasCore - __sceSasInit
26460 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D6DB78 by Native Code 'nop'
26460 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D6DB88 by Native Code 'nop'
27526 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D70BB4 by Native Code 'nop'
27567 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x08D6CC00 by Native Code 'nop'
34440 [user_main] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegInit
34441 [AsyncFileManager] INFO hle.IoFileMgrForUser - hleIoOpen filename = disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/assets00.naz flags = 1 permissions = 00
34471 [user_main] INFO hle.scePsmf - scePsmfSetPsmf (psmf=0x9fff0c0 buffer_addr=0x8e4d1b0)
35481 [user_main] INFO hle.sceMpeg - sceMpegFinish
44996 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B34C4 by Native Code 'nop'
44999 [user_main] INFO compiler - Replacing CodeBlock at 0x088B34CC by Native Code 'nop'
47272 [user_main] INFO compiler - Splitting _S1_2_89CD5BC (2955/2250)
48621 [Sound] INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - hleAtracSetData atracID=30, bufferSize=0x3a8, fileSize=0x186d8