With r2410, everything generally works properly now! Awesome. Runs at 60 FPS most of the time; if there's a character on the screen, 40 FPS. Music and voice are smooth too (except at the very opening menu, when it loads savedata, the music stutters a bit).
Those two lines pop up a lot in the log files (a bunch every second), dunno if it's important or not. Makes the log files really messy.
If you go a while without doing anything in the menu, it crashes with this error:
This doesn't occur if you actually select any options in time. Full log is attached if you want to see it; it has a lot of the SysMemUserForUser warnings.
The other issue is that everything that's not rendered in 3D appears faded, dunno why. This occurs everywhere, on the menus, in-game, etc.. Here's a screenshot:
What it should look like (albeit a different character and game progression, I just pulled this off the Internet)
Nothing really happens in the logs though, so I didn't post one for this phenomenon. Not a big deal anyways, other than making the text hard to read at times.
To be honest though, it's pretty amazing that it's working. Thanks for all this again. This can probably be moved to Playable. I haven't tested the other Idolm@ster SP games, but they probably are playable too now.
Actually, the game seems to not run very smoothly during the lessons/minigames. It says it displays it at 45 FPS, but the objects' movements on the screen move at closer to 0.5 FPS (suddenly jumping across the screen instead of smoothly sliding). Being a rhythm game, it makes a lot of the notes impossible to hit. I noticed this in the menus too; if you press up/down, it changes from light blue to dark blue immediately, but the object doesn't actually move until 1-2 seconds later.
EDIT x2:
That was probably unclear, so I've included a low-res video, a few seconds long, in demo.rar. You can see that when I change options, the selected option becomes dark blue immediately, but it takes a second or so for the "big bubble" to jump down beside that option. Also, the ring of circles in the background (top-right quadrant of the screen) can be seen to spin in bursts every second or so; I think this is the same issue. In actual gameplay, it should spin smoothly.
Gah, that was long. In short, anything that isn't rendered in 3D will be shown moving at very low framerates, although initially rendering them is instantaneous. (so text in the conversations above are fine, because they just render and then disappear, but anything that actually moves, or maybe is a video of some sort or something, is very laggy).
log2.rar is the corresponding log for the video, I closed it right after. Probably better for this to be in half-playable then.
68514 [user_main] WARN hle - Unsupported syscall 207C SysMemUserForUser_D8DE5C1E 00000000 08B95B74 00000003
68541 [user_main] WARN hle - Unsupported syscall 207C SysMemUserForUser_D8DE5C1E 00000055 08B90000 7DD39C49
Those two lines pop up a lot in the log files (a bunch every second), dunno if it's important or not. Makes the log files really messy.
If you go a while without doing anything in the menu, it crashes with this error:
273878 [AT3plusPlay1] INFO hle.sceAtrac3plus - Replaying atrac loop atracID=0, loopStart=117339, loopEnd=1683613
274621 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08D82D40, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x2, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08D82D40, stall=0x08D82D40, cbid=0x13, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
274633 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08D82D40, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x2, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08D82D40, stall=0x08D82D40, cbid=0x13, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
274644 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08D82D40, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x2, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08D82D40, stall=0x08D82D40, cbid=0x13, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
274656 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08D82D40, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x2, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08D82D40, stall=0x08D82D40, cbid=0x13, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
274667 [GUI] ERROR ge - Waiting too long on stall address 0x08D82D40, aborting the list PspGeList[id=0x2, status=PSP_GE_LIST_STALL_REACHED, pc=0x08D82D40, stall=0x08D82D40, cbid=0x13, ended=false, finished=false, paused=false, restarted=false, reset=false]
274668 [GUI] ERROR ge - Aborting current list processing due to too many errors
This doesn't occur if you actually select any options in time. Full log is attached if you want to see it; it has a lot of the SysMemUserForUser warnings.
The other issue is that everything that's not rendered in 3D appears faded, dunno why. This occurs everywhere, on the menus, in-game, etc.. Here's a screenshot:
What it should look like (albeit a different character and game progression, I just pulled this off the Internet)
Nothing really happens in the logs though, so I didn't post one for this phenomenon. Not a big deal anyways, other than making the text hard to read at times.
To be honest though, it's pretty amazing that it's working. Thanks for all this again. This can probably be moved to Playable. I haven't tested the other Idolm@ster SP games, but they probably are playable too now.
Actually, the game seems to not run very smoothly during the lessons/minigames. It says it displays it at 45 FPS, but the objects' movements on the screen move at closer to 0.5 FPS (suddenly jumping across the screen instead of smoothly sliding). Being a rhythm game, it makes a lot of the notes impossible to hit. I noticed this in the menus too; if you press up/down, it changes from light blue to dark blue immediately, but the object doesn't actually move until 1-2 seconds later.
EDIT x2:
That was probably unclear, so I've included a low-res video, a few seconds long, in demo.rar. You can see that when I change options, the selected option becomes dark blue immediately, but it takes a second or so for the "big bubble" to jump down beside that option. Also, the ring of circles in the background (top-right quadrant of the screen) can be seen to spin in bursts every second or so; I think this is the same issue. In actual gameplay, it should spin smoothly.
Gah, that was long. In short, anything that isn't rendered in 3D will be shown moving at very low framerates, although initially rendering them is instantaneous. (so text in the conversations above are fine, because they just render and then disappear, but anything that actually moves, or maybe is a video of some sort or something, is very laggy).
log2.rar is the corresponding log for the video, I closed it right after. Probably better for this to be in half-playable then.